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[英]Can vision.cascadeObjectDetector calculate HOG, LBP features given a cascade.xml?

I have created a cascade.xml for detecting face images using the opencv_traincascade utility. 我已经创建了一个使用opencv_traincascade实用工具检测面部图像的cascade.xml。 I am using LBP or HOG feature based cascades since they are much faster. 我正在使用基于LBP或HOG功能的级联,因为它们的速度要快得多。 And I do all my testing on Matlab using vision.cascadeObjectDetector . 然后,我使用vision.cascadeObjectDetector在Matlab上进行了所有测试。 But I am unsure if Matlab is capable of understanding and calculating LBP/ HOG features for a given cascade.xml file. 但是我不确定Matlab是否能够理解和计算给定的cascade.xml文件的LBP / HOG功能。

Is this the correct approach for testing a cascade detector? 这是测试级联检测器的正确方法吗? If not, what platform should I be using for testing? 如果没有,我应该使用哪个平台进行测试?

Yes, vision.cascadeObjectDetector supports LBP and HOG, as well as Haar features, as of version R2013a. 是的, vision.cascadeObjectDetector支持LBP和HOG,以及哈尔的功能,如版本R2013a的。

Furthermore you can now train your detector using trainCascadeObjectDetector function, which is easier to use than opencv_traincascade . 此外,您现在可以使用trainCascadeObjectDetector函数训练检测器,该函数比opencv_traincascade易于使用。 There is also a trainingImageLabeler app, which gives you a nice GUI to label objects of interest in your images. 还有一个trainingImageLabeler应用程序,它为您提供了一个漂亮的GUI,可以在图像中标记感兴趣的对象。

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