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将数据从一个SQL Server数据库迁移到另一个SQL Server数据库

[英]Migrating Data from one to another sql server database

I would like to migrate few tables from one database server to other database server (both are SQL server). 我想将几张表从一个数据库服务器迁移到另一台数据库服务器(均为SQL Server)。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I have heard about SSIS package but never done this. 我听说过SSIS包,但从未这样做。 I would like to understand this process in detail. 我想详细了解这个过程。

Source database is refreshed daily. 源数据库每天刷新。 what can I do to refresh my destination database to reflect the source database all the time. 我该怎么做才能刷新目标数据库以始终反映源数据库。

Please help me, I would like to understand this process from beginning till end because I have never done this before. 请帮助我,我想从头到尾理解这个过程,因为我以前从未做过。

Thanks, 谢谢,

Here are the high level steps. 这是高级步骤。

Create an SSIS project. 创建一个SSIS项目。 Use a data flow task for each table. 为每个表使用数据流任务。 Depending on your requirements you might be able to just clear the tables and just reload them. 根据您的要求,您也许可以清除表并重新加载它们。

Create a new sql agent job on the server to schedule the job. 在服务器上创建一个新的sql代理作业以计划该作业。 Make sure you schedule after the source database is completely loaded. 确保在源数据库完全加载之后进行计划。

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