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SQL Server:按特定日期将数据从一个数据库插入到另一个数据库结构

[英]SQL Server: inserting data from one database to another database structure by specific date

I need some help to pull data from one database into another database with a different schema I am writing a PHP script to achieve this. 我需要一些帮助,以将数据从一个数据库拉到具有不同模式的另一个数据库中。我正在编写一个PHP脚本来实现这一点。

My first query is: 我的第一个查询是:

SELECT orderid, customerid, validation_date, test_type, test_result, amount 
WHERE test_type IN ('ph', 'bh')

and I get the result as following 我得到如下结果

1 101001 10-01-2018 bh 5 20.00
2 101001 10-01-2018 ph 3 25.00
3 101002 11-02-2018 bh 4 20.00
4 101002 11-02-2018 ph 2 25.00
5 101003 15-02-2018 bh 3 20.00
6 101003 15-02-2018 ph 4 25.00
7 101001 25-04-2018 bh 4 20.00
8 101001 25-04-2018 ph 2 25.00

I want to insert this data into another SQL Server table of the structure in one line for each specific date. 我想在每个特定日期的一行中将此数据插入到结构的另一个SQL Server表中。

The table schema of the other database is as follows: 另一个数据库的表模式如下:

itemid, customerid, validation_date, ph_value, bh_value 

So I want the result to go into the database as follows: 所以我希望结果进入数据库,如下所示:

1 101001 10-01-2018 3 5
2 101002 11-02-2018 2 4 
3 101003 15-02-2018 2 3 
4 101001 25-04-2018 2 4 

Please can you advice on how I can achieve this using a SQL query? 请问您如何使用SQL查询实现此建议? I did a select, AND NOW want to insert into the database in the above format 我做了一个选择,现在想以上述格式插入数据库

You can upload your data to SQL Server "as is" and then use the SQL engine to massage it as you want. 您可以将数据“按原样”上传到SQL Server,然后使用SQL引擎根据需要对其进行按摩

If we considering the case when both values (ph, bh) may not be present simultaneously, then you would need a FULL OUTER JOIN . 如果我们考虑两个值(ph,bh)可能不同时出现的情况,那么您将需要FULL OUTER JOIN You would need to create a new table and a sequence to produce the inserts, as in: 您将需要创建一个新表和一个序列来产生插入,如:

create table my_table (
  id int, 
  customer_id int, 
  validation_date date, 
  ph_value real, 
  bh_value real

create sequence seq1; -- a sequence is needed to generate IDs.

Then the query that could produce your data can look like: 然后,可能产生您的数据的查询如下所示:

insert into my_table (id, customer_id, validation_date, ph_value, bh_value) 
  next value for seq1,
  coalesce(ph.customer_id, bh.customer_id),
  coalesce(ph.validation_date, bh.validation_date),
from (select * from t where test_type = 'ph') ph
full outer join (select * from t where test_type = 'bh') bh 
  on ph.customer_id = bh.customer_id 
 and ph.validation_date = bh.validation_date

You can use aggregation to pivot the data: 您可以使用聚合来透视数据:

select customer_id, validation_date,
       max(case when test_type = 'ph' then ph.test_result end) as ph_value,
       max(case when test_type = 'bh' then ph.test_result end) as bh_value
from t
group by customer_id, validation_date;

It is unclear where itemid comes from. 目前尚不清楚itemid来自何处。 If calculated on the fly, I would suggest an identity column in the target table. 如果即时计算,我建议在目标表中使用一个identity列。

Then you can use either SELECT . . . INTO 然后,您可以使用SELECT . . . INTO SELECT . . . INTO SELECT . . . INTO or INSERT to put the data in another table. SELECT . . . INTOINSERT将数据放在另一个表中。

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