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[英]Inserting data from one database to another conditionally

In my MSQL server I have a first database with a table that contains ID and Data columns, a second database, which is a copy of the first, except the Data column is empty.在我的 MSQL 服务器中,我有第一个数据库,其中包含一个包含IDData列的表,第二个数据库是第一个数据库的副本,除了Data列是空的。

I would like to transfer data from the first database into the second, inserting into the row with the corresponding ID .我想将数据从第一个数据库传输到第二个数据库,插入到具有相应ID的行中。 I would like the query to look something like this, but I'm not sure about the syntax我希望查询看起来像这样,但我不确定语法

INSERT INTO db1.dbo.Table (Data)
    SELECT (Data) 
    FROM db2.dbo.Table
    WHERE db1.dbo.Table(ID) = db2.dbo.Table(ID)

You can do an update on your second table like that:您可以像这样对第二张桌子进行更新:

    t2.Data = t1.Data,
    dbone.t1 AS t1
INNER JOIN dbtwo.t2 AS t2 ON t1.ID = t2.ID

If your second table is empty you can "copy" your data like that:如果您的第二个表是空的,您可以像这样“复制”您的数据:

INSERT INTO dbone.t1 (ID, Data)
FROM dbtwo.t2

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