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在IIS 6上安装PHP的问题

[英]Issues Installing PHP on IIS 6

I know this is going to be a long shot... but I am following this tutorial: http://www.howtogeek.com/50455/how-to-install-php-on-iis-6-for-windows-server-2003/ 我知道这将是一个漫长的尝试...但是我正在遵循本教程: http : //www.howtogeek.com/50455/how-to-install-php-on-iis-6-for-windows-服务器2003 /

I followed the instructions pretty much to a T, except that the downloaded non thread safe folder did not contain a PEAR directory. 除了下载的非线程安全文件夹不包含PEAR目录外,我几乎遵循T的说明。 I downloaded PHP 5.4.26 - do I still need PEAR? 我下载了PHP 5.4.26-我仍然需要PEAR吗?

I created a page to get the phpinfo and I get Page cannot be found. 我创建了一个页面来获取phpinfo,但我无法找到Page。

Thanks. 谢谢。

您应该使用www.microsoft.com/web上的Web平台安装程序来安装PHP Manager和PHP ...这是自动安装,将处理几乎所有内容...


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