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在IIS 6上安装PHP(Win2003)

[英]Installing PHP on IIS 6 (Win2003)

I have been trying to install PHP 5.3.6 on a clean install of Win2003, no dot net or anything else much installed. 我一直在尝试在Win2003的干净安装,没有点网或其他任何安装的东西上安装PHP 5.3.6。 Unfortunately I have tried 'thread safe', 'non thread safe', installer file, zip file etc. but whatever I try PHP just doesn't seem to work. 不幸的是我尝试过“线程安全”,“非线程安全”,安装程序文件,zip文件等等,但无论我尝试使用PHP,似乎都无法正常工作。 I have also installed Microsoft C++ 2008 redistributable as suggested on PHP site but still nothing. 我也按照PHP网站上的建议安装了Microsoft C ++ 2008可再发行组件,但仍然没有。

Any suggestions on how I should actually be installing this properly. 关于我应该如何正确安装这个的任何建议。 There seems to be vague and at times conflicting instructions on the PHPweb site. 在PHPweb网站上似乎存在模糊且有时相互矛盾的说明。

Make sure that you have told IIS how to handle PHP files. 确保您告诉IIS如何处理PHP文件。
In IIS Manager, expand the tree and find web service extensions, then make sure you have a spot for PHP, pointing to the php dll. 在IIS管理器中,展开树并查找Web服务扩展,然后确保您有PHP的位置,指向php dll。


then make sure that your MIME types are set up correctly. 然后确保您的MIME类型设置正确。 Right click your website under Web Sites, view properties, then the HTTP Headers Tab. 右键单击“网站”下的网站,查看属性,然后单击“HTTP标头”选项卡。 Click the MIME Types button, and make sure you have an entry for PHP. 单击MIME Types按钮,确保您有PHP条目。


This is how we got it set up in IIS Manager. 这就是我们在IIS管理器中设置它的方法。 Hope it helps you too. 希望它也能帮到你。

Further investigation suggests that PHP 5.3.x will only work with IIS using FastCGI; 进一步调查表明,PHP 5.3.x仅适用于使用FastCGI的IIS; isapi is no longer supported hence the reason that PHP5isapi.dll is missing. isapi不再受支持,因此缺少PHP5isapi.dll。 Unfortunately FastCGI cannot be installed on IIS without first installing Microsoft Web Platform Installer which requires dot net to be installed first. 遗憾的是,如果没有首先安装需要首先安装dot net的Microsoft Web Platform Installer,就无法在IIS上安装FastCGI。

This is crazy, PHP are effectively insisting that dot net is a pre-requisite for PHP - madness! 这很疯狂,PHP有效地坚持认为dot net是PHP的先决条件 - 疯狂!

And further investigation reveals I was wrong - it is now installed and working. 进一步的调查显示我错了 - 它现在安装并正常工作。

Download and install FastCGI from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=227219AA-6AEC-4B80-A9FA-76F811EE9E84&amp%3Bdisplaylang=en This is a simple .msi install, no dot net required. 从这里下载并安装FastCGI: http//www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx? FamilyID = 227219AA-6AEC-4B80-A9FA-76F811EE9E84& 3Bdisplaylang = en这是一个简单的.msi安装,没有点需要净额。

Restart IIS 重启IIS

Then download the NON Thread Safe PHP and install to IIS FastCGI Server option. 然后下载NON Thread Safe PHP并安装到IIS FastCGI Server选项。

Now all working. 现在一切正常。

以下是我在IIS 6(在Windows 2003服务器上运行)上安装PHP 5.3的方法: http//www.howtoadvice.com/PHPIIS

这个文档有点陈旧和过时但您应该能够使用Web Platform Installer在IIS6上为您安装PHP。

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