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[英]Removing P:confirmDialog using javascript?

I have created an confirm dialog using primefaces and the coding is below. 我已经使用质数创建了一个确认对话框,并且代码如下。

<p:confirmDialog id="exportDialog" styleClass="export-dialog" rendered="#{Controller.renderExport == true}"
    visible="#{Controller.renderExport == true}" header="Export" message="Do you want to export data ?"
    <h:commandLink onclick="return closedialog()" value="Export All" action="#{Controller.exportAll}" " styleClass="export"/>

when I click the button inside dialog the dialog, it should close the dialog and an excel file excel needs to be downloaded. 当我单击对话框内的按钮时,它应该关闭对话框,并且需要下载一个excel文件。

To close the dialog i am calling the closedialog() function. 要关闭对话框,我正在调用closedialog()函数。 the close dialog function is as below. 关闭对话框功能如下。

function closedialog(){         

the dialog box got disappeared but i am unable to click the textbox behind the popup. 该对话框消失了,但我无法单击弹出窗口后面的textbox but i am able to click buttons. 但我能够单击按钮。 am I doing anything wrong please help. 我做错了什么,请帮忙。

Assign a 'widgetVar' to your <p:confirmDialog like this: 为您的<p:confirmDialog分配一个“ widgetVar”,如下所示:

<p:confirmDialog widgetVar="myConfirm"....

Then to close it use the hide() command in your js code like this: myConfirm.hide() 然后使用下面的js代码中的hide()命令关闭它: myConfirm.hide()

I took a deeper look at your question, 我更深入地研究了您的问题,

You need to replace the 您需要更换

onclick="return closedialog()"


onclick="myConfirm.hide(); return false;"

The purpose of the return false; return false;目的为return false; is to prevent form submition 是为了防止表单提交

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