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rails params [:month]剥离前导零导致不正确的匹配

[英]rails params[:month] stripping leading zeros causing incorrect match

In my application when a user visits finances/trends/2014/03 a select query is executed in my trends_controller 在我的应用程序中,当用户访问finances/trends/2014/03 trends_controller在我的trends_controller执行选择查询

@expenses = Expense.select("name, amount, id, created_at").where(:user_id => current_user.id).where(["strftime('%Y', created_at) = ? AND strftime('%m', created_at) = ?", params[:year], params[:month] ])
@expenses_by_month = @expenses.group_by { |expense| expense.created_at.beginning_of_month }

and if the query returns results, the page is rendered, otherwise a redirect occurs. 如果查询返回结果,则呈现页面,否则发生重定向。 This all seems to work fine. 这一切似乎都很好。

The problem occurs when I attempt to pass the params[:month] into a link on my index page, and the leading zero in the :month seems to get stripped, so the link will return a path such as finances/trends/2014/3 instead of the required finances/trends/2014/03 for the select statement (because in the db, the created_at value is stored as 2014-03-day, of course). 当我尝试将params[:month]传递到索引页面上的链接中时,会出现问题,并且:month中的前导零似乎被剥夺了,因此该链接将返回诸如finances/trends/2014/3而不是select语句所需的finances/trends/2014/03 2014/03(因为在数据库中,created_at值的存储时间当然是2014-03天)。

routes: 路线:

get "finances/trends/:year/:month" => "trends#month", :as => :month_trends

index.html.erb: index.html.erb:

<% @expenses_by_month.each do |month, expenses| %>
<%= link_to "#{month.strftime('%B')}", month_trends_path(:year => month.year, :month => month.month) %>
<% end %>

I understand that the %m in the select statement should return the month as a padded value, so I'm not sure at all what is causing this. 我知道select语句中的%m应该将月份作为填充值返回,因此我完全不知道是什么原因造成的。

Try some direct ruby way, if that works. 如果可行,请尝试一些直接的红宝石方法。 Here is how 这是怎么

"3".rjust(2,"0") #=> 03
"3".ljust(2,"0") #=> 30

month.to_s.rjust(2,"0") #=> 03

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