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是否可以将iphone和ipad * .ipa都部署到应用程序中心?

[英]Is it possible to deploy both the iphone and ipad *.ipa to the Application Center?

I am able to build both the iphone and ipad ipa files (app.ipa and app-ipad.ipa) fine. 我能够同时构建iphone和ipad ipa文件(app.ipa和app-ipad.ipa)。 However, when I go to deploy them to the Application Center via the native-deployer api, the Application Center only shows one app of type "ios", where I expect two apps, one for iphone and one for ipad. 但是,当我通过本机部署api将它们部署到Application Center时,Application Center仅显示一个类型为“ ios”的应用程序,我希望其中有两个应用程序,一个用于iphone,一个用于ipad。

Since this is one worklight project. 由于这是一个worklight项目。 The application-descriptor is the same. 应用程序描述符是相同的。 The version number and bundle ids are exactly the same. 版本号和捆绑软件ID完全相同。 What do I need to change to differentiate them? 我需要更改以区分它们吗? I think if the bundle id is different Application Center will discern them, for sure. 我认为,如果捆绑包ID不同,Application Center肯定会识别它们。 But worklight did not change the bundle id when I added the environment, so I left them unchanged. 但是,当我添加环境时,worklight并没有更改bundle id,因此我将它们保持不变。

The bundleId value in application-descriptor.xml for the iPad and iPhone environments is merely a placeholder. iPad和iPhone环境的application-descriptor.xml中的bundleId值只是一个占位符。 Obviously, you need to change it. 显然,您需要更改它。

You can change it either in application-descriptor.xml, in which case it will be pre-set by the time you open the generated Xcode project in Xcode. 您可以在application-descriptor.xml中进行更改,在这种情况下,将在您打开Xcode中生成的Xcode项目时对其进行预先设置。 Or you can set it when you open the project in Xcode. 或者,您可以在Xcode中打开项目时进行设置。

The simplest way is to just set it in application-descriptor.xml... 最简单的方法是只在application-descriptor.xml中进行设置...

Note that Worklight has got nothing to do with your iOS app once it is generated and you want to release it. 请注意,Worklight一旦生成并想要发布,便与您的iOS应用无关。 Any and all configurations are then mostly related to Xcode settings of your application. 然后,所有配置几乎都与应用程序的Xcode设置相关。 Read more here: 在这里阅读更多:

Another thing to note is that a Worklight-based iOS app, be it the iPhone or iPad environment is configured as a Universal app by default (fit for both iPhone and iPad). 要注意的另一件事是,默认情况下,基于Worklight的iOS应用程序(无论是iPhone还是iPad环境)都配置为通用应用程序(适用于iPhone和iPad)。 Perhaps what is missing in your case is to differentiate the two. 也许您的情况缺少的是将两者区分开。

  • In Xode, for each project (iPhone and iPad), look for the setting to set it as an iPhone or iPad app, rather than Universal app. 在Xode中,对于每个项目(iPhone和iPad),寻找将其设置为iPhone或iPad应用程序而不是Universal应用程序的设置。
  • Then, try uploading to the Application Center management console again and check if you are now able to see TWO apps. 然后,尝试再次上载到Application Center管理控制台,并检查现在是否可以看到两个应用程序。


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