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如何在 Java 中生成特定范围内的随机整数?

[英]How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?

How do I generate a random int value in a specific range?如何生成特定范围内的随机int值?

The following methods have bugs related to integer overflow:以下方法存在与 integer 溢出相关的错误:

randomNum = minimum + (int)(Math.random() * maximum);
// Bug: `randomNum` can be bigger than `maximum`.
Random rn = new Random();
int n = maximum - minimum + 1;
int i = rn.nextInt() % n;
randomNum =  minimum + i;
// Bug: `randomNum` can be smaller than `minimum`.

In Java 1.7 or later , the standard way to do this is as follows:Java 1.7 或更高版本中,执行此操作的标准方法如下:

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

// nextInt is normally exclusive of the top value,
// so add 1 to make it inclusive
int randomNum = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(min, max + 1);

See the relevant JavaDoc .请参阅相关的 JavaDoc This approach has the advantage of not needing to explicitly initialize a java.util.Random instance, which can be a source of confusion and error if used inappropriately.这种方法的优点是不需要显式初始化java.util.Random实例,如果使用不当,可能会造成混乱和错误。

However, conversely there is no way to explicitly set the seed so it can be difficult to reproduce results in situations where that is useful such as testing or saving game states or similar.但是,相反,没有办法明确设置种子,因此在测试或保存游戏状态或类似情况等有用的情况下,可能难以重现结果。 In those situations, the pre-Java 1.7 technique shown below can be used.在这些情况下,可以使用下面所示的 Java 1.7 之前的技术。

Before Java 1.7 , the standard way to do this is as follows:在 Java 1.7 之前,执行此操作的标准方法如下:

import java.util.Random;

 * Returns a pseudo-random number between min and max, inclusive.
 * The difference between min and max can be at most
 * <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1</code>.
 * @param min Minimum value
 * @param max Maximum value.  Must be greater than min.
 * @return Integer between min and max, inclusive.
 * @see java.util.Random#nextInt(int)
public static int randInt(int min, int max) {

    // NOTE: This will (intentionally) not run as written so that folks
    // copy-pasting have to think about how to initialize their
    // Random instance.  Initialization of the Random instance is outside
    // the main scope of the question, but some decent options are to have
    // a field that is initialized once and then re-used as needed or to
    // use ThreadLocalRandom (if using at least Java 1.7).
    // In particular, do NOT do 'Random rand = new Random()' here or you
    // will get not very good / not very random results.
    Random rand;

    // nextInt is normally exclusive of the top value,
    // so add 1 to make it inclusive
    int randomNum = rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;

    return randomNum;

See the relevant JavaDoc .请参阅相关的 JavaDoc In practice, the java.util.Random class is often preferable to java.lang.Math.random() .在实践中, java.util.Random类通常比java.lang.Math.random()更可取。

In particular, there is no need to reinvent the random integer generation wheel when there is a straightforward API within the standard library to accomplish the task.特别是,当标准库中有一个简单的 API 来完成任务时,不需要重新发明随机整数生成轮。

Note that this approach is more biased and less efficient than a nextInt approach, https://stackoverflow.com/a/738651/360211请注意,这种方法比nextInt方法更有偏见,效率更低, https ://stackoverflow.com/a/738651/360211

One standard pattern for accomplishing this is:实现此目的的一种标准模式是:

Min + (int)(Math.random() * ((Max - Min) + 1))

The Java Math library function Math.random() generates a double value in the range [0,1) .Java数学库函数 Math.random() 在[0,1)范围内生成一个双精度值。 Notice this range does not include the 1.请注意,此范围不包括 1。

In order to get a specific range of values first, you need to multiply by the magnitude of the range of values you want covered.为了首先获得特定范围的值,您需要乘以要覆盖的值范围的大小。

Math.random() * ( Max - Min )

This returns a value in the range [0,Max-Min) , where 'Max-Min' is not included.这将返回[0,Max-Min)范围内的值,其中不包括 'Max-Min'。

For example, if you want [5,10) , you need to cover five integer values so you use例如,如果你想要[5,10) ,你需要覆盖五个整数值,所以你使用

Math.random() * 5

This would return a value in the range [0,5) , where 5 is not included.这将返回[0,5)范围内的值,其中不包括 5。

Now you need to shift this range up to the range that you are targeting.现在您需要将此范围向上移动到您的目标范围。 You do this by adding the Min value.您可以通过添加 Min 值来做到这一点。

Min + (Math.random() * (Max - Min))

You now will get a value in the range [Min,Max) .您现在将获得[Min,Max)范围内的值。 Following our example, that means [5,10) :按照我们的示例,这意味着[5,10)

5 + (Math.random() * (10 - 5))

But, this still doesn't include Max and you are getting a double value.但是,这仍然不包括Max并且您获得了双倍值。 In order to get the Max value included, you need to add 1 to your range parameter (Max - Min) and then truncate the decimal part by casting to an int.为了获得包含的Max ,您需要将 1 添加到您的范围参数(Max - Min) ,然后通过强制转换为 int 来截断小数部分。 This is accomplished via:这是通过以下方式完成的:

Min + (int)(Math.random() * ((Max - Min) + 1))

And there you have it.你有它。 A random integer value in the range [Min,Max] , or per the example [5,10] : [Min,Max]范围内的随机整数值,或根据示例[5,10]

5 + (int)(Math.random() * ((10 - 5) + 1))


Random ran = new Random();
int x = ran.nextInt(6) + 5;

The integer x is now the random number that has a possible outcome of 5-10 .整数x现在是可能结果为5-10的随机数。


minValue + rn.nextInt(maxValue - minValue + 1)

With they introduced the method ints(int randomNumberOrigin, int randomNumberBound) in the Random class.中,他们在Random类中引入了ints(int randomNumberOrigin, int randomNumberBound)方法。

For example if you want to generate five random integers (or a single one) in the range [0, 10], just do:例如,如果您想在 [0, 10] 范围内生成五个随机整数(或单个整数),只需执行以下操作:

Random r = new Random();
int[] fiveRandomNumbers = r.ints(5, 0, 11).toArray();
int randomNumber = r.ints(1, 0, 11).findFirst().getAsInt();

The first parameter indicates just the size of the IntStream generated (which is the overloaded method of the one that produces an unlimited IntStream ).第一个参数仅指示生成的IntStream的大小(这是生成无限IntStream的重载方法)。

If you need to do multiple separate calls, you can create an infinite primitive iterator from the stream:如果您需要执行多个单独的调用,您可以从流中创建一个无限的原始迭代器:

public final class IntRandomNumberGenerator {

    private PrimitiveIterator.OfInt randomIterator;

     * Initialize a new random number generator that generates
     * random numbers in the range [min, max]
     * @param min - the min value (inclusive)
     * @param max - the max value (inclusive)
    public IntRandomNumberGenerator(int min, int max) {
        randomIterator = new Random().ints(min, max + 1).iterator();

     * Returns a random number in the range (min, max)
     * @return a random number in the range (min, max)
    public int nextInt() {
        return randomIterator.nextInt();

You can also do it for double and long values.您也可以对doublelong值执行此操作。 I hope it helps!我希望它有帮助! :) :)

You can edit your second code example to:您可以将第二个代码示例编辑为:

Random rn = new Random();
int range = maximum - minimum + 1;
int randomNum =  rn.nextInt(range) + minimum;

Just a small modification of your first solution would suffice.只需对您的第一个解决方案进行小修改就足够了。

Random rand = new Random();
randomNum = minimum + rand.nextInt((maximum - minimum) + 1);

See more here for implementation of Random在这里查看更多关于Random的实现

ThreadLocalRandom equivalent of class java.util.Random for multithreaded environment. ThreadLocalRandom等价于类java.util.Random用于多线程环境。 Generating a random number is carried out locally in each of the threads.在每个线程中本地执行随机数的生成。 So we have a better performance by reducing the conflicts.因此,通过减少冲突,我们可以获得更好的性能。

int rand = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(x,y);

x , y - intervals eg (1,10) x , y - 间隔,例如 (1,10)

The Math.Random class in Java is 0-based.Java中的Math.Random类是从 0 开始的。 So, if you write something like this:所以,如果你写这样的东西:

Random rand = new Random();
int x = rand.nextInt(10);

x will be between 0-9 inclusive. x将介于0-9之间。

So, given the following array of 25 items, the code to generate a random number between 0 (the base of the array) and array.length would be:因此,给定以下25个项目的数组,生成0 (数组的基数)和array.length之间的随机数的代码将是:

String[] i = new String[25];
Random rand = new Random();
int index = 0;

index = rand.nextInt( i.length );

Since i.length will return 25 , the nextInt( i.length ) will return a number between the range of 0-24 .由于i.length将返回25nextInt( i.length )将返回一个介于0-24范围内的数字。 The other option is going with Math.Random which works in the same way.另一种选择是与Math.Random一起使用,它的工作方式相同。

index = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * i.length);

For a better understanding, check out forum post Random Intervals (archive.org) .为了更好地理解,请查看论坛帖子Random Intervals (archive.org)

It can be done by simply doing the statement:只需执行以下语句即可完成:

Randomizer.generate(0, 10); // Minimum of zero and maximum of ten

Below is its source code.下面是它的源代码。

File Randomizer.java文件Randomizer.java

public class Randomizer {
    public static int generate(int min, int max) {
        return min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1));

It is just clean and simple.它既干净又简单。

Forgive me for being fastidious, but the solution suggested by the majority, ie, min + rng.nextInt(max - min + 1)) , seems perilous due to the fact that:请原谅我的挑剔,但大多数人建议的解决方案,即min + rng.nextInt(max - min + 1))似乎很危险,因为:

  • rng.nextInt(n) cannot reach Integer.MAX_VALUE . rng.nextInt(n)无法达到Integer.MAX_VALUE
  • (max - min) may cause overflow when min is negative. (max - min) min为负数时可能会导致溢出。

A foolproof solution would return correct results for any min <= max within [ Integer.MIN_VALUE , Integer.MAX_VALUE ].一个万无一失的解决方案将为 [ Integer.MIN_VALUE , Integer.MAX_VALUE ] 内的任何min <= max返回正确的结果。 Consider the following naive implementation:考虑以下简单的实现:

int nextIntInRange(int min, int max, Random rng) {
   if (min > max) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot draw random int from invalid range [" + min + ", " + max + "].");
   int diff = max - min;
   if (diff >= 0 && diff != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
      return (min + rng.nextInt(diff + 1));
   int i;
   do {
      i = rng.nextInt();
   } while (i < min || i > max);
   return i;

Although inefficient, note that the probability of success in the while loop will always be 50% or higher.

I wonder if any of the random number generating methods provided by an Apache Commons Math library would fit the bill.我想知道Apache Commons Math库提供的任何随机数生成方法是否符合要求。

For example: RandomDataGenerator.nextInt or RandomDataGenerator.nextLong例如: RandomDataGenerator.nextIntRandomDataGenerator.nextLong

I use this:我用这个:

   * @param min - The minimum.
   * @param max - The maximum.
   * @return A random double between these numbers (inclusive the minimum and maximum).
 public static double getRandom(double min, double max) {
   return (Math.random() * (max + 1 - min)) + min;

You can cast it to an Integer if you want.如果需要,您可以将其转换为整数。

Let us take an example.让我们举个例子。

Suppose I wish to generate a number between 5-10 :假设我希望生成一个5-10之间的数字:

int max = 10;
int min = 5;
int diff = max - min;
Random rn = new Random();
int i = rn.nextInt(diff + 1);
i += min;
System.out.print("The Random Number is " + i);

Let us understand this ...让我们明白这...

Initialize max with highest value and min with the lowest value.用最大值初始化最大值,用最小值初始化最小值。

Now, we need to determine how many possible values can be obtained.现在,我们需要确定可以获得多少个可能的值。 For this example, it would be:对于此示例,它将是:

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 5、6、7、8、9、10

So, count of this would be max - min + 1.所以,这个计数将是 max - min + 1。

ie 10 - 5 + 1 = 6即 10 - 5 + 1 = 6

The random number will generate a number between 0-5 .随机数将生成一个介于0-5之间的数字。

ie 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5即 0、1、2、3、4、5

Adding the min value to the random number would produce:最小值添加到随机数将产生:

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 5、6、7、8、9、10

Hence we obtain the desired range.因此,我们获得了所需的范围。

 rand.nextInt((max+1) - min) + min;

As of Java 7, you should no longer use Random .从 Java 7 开始,您不应再使用Random For most uses, the random number generator of choice is now ThreadLocalRandom .对于大多数用途,现在选择的随机数生成器是ThreadLocalRandom

For fork join pools and parallel streams, use SplittableRandom .对于分叉连接池和并行流,请使用SplittableRandom

Joshua Bloch.约书亚·布洛赫。 Effective Java.有效的Java。 Third Edition.第三版。

Starting from Java 8从 Java 8 开始

For fork join pools and parallel streams, use SplittableRandom that is usually faster, has a better statistical independence and uniformity properties in comparison with Random .对于分叉连接池和并行流,使用SplittableRandom通常更快,与Random相比具有更好的统计独立性和均匀性属性。

To generate a random int in the range [0, 1_000]:要在[0, 1_000]:范围内生成随机int

int n = new SplittableRandom().nextInt(0, 1_001);

To generate a random int[100] array of values in the range [0, 1_000]:要生成[0, 1_000]:范围内的随机int[100]值数组:

int[] a = new SplittableRandom().ints(100, 0, 1_001).parallel().toArray();

To return a Stream of random values:要返回随机值流:

IntStream stream = new SplittableRandom().ints(100, 0, 1_001);

Generate a random number for the difference of min and max by using the nextint(n) method and then add min number to the result:使用nextint(n)方法为 min 和 max 的差生成一个随机数,然后将 min 数添加到结果中:

Random rn = new Random();
int result = rn.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min;

Just use the Random class:只需使用Random类:

Random ran = new Random();
// Assumes max and min are non-negative.
int randomInt = min + ran.nextInt(max - min + 1);

These methods might be convenient to use:这些方法使用起来可能很方便:

This method will return a random number between the provided minimum and maximum value:此方法将返回提供的最小值和最大值之间的随机数:

public static int getRandomNumberBetween(int min, int max) {
    Random foo = new Random();
    int randomNumber = foo.nextInt(max - min) + min;
    if (randomNumber == min) {
        // Since the random number is between the min and max values, simply add 1
        return min + 1;
    } else {
        return randomNumber;

and this method will return a random number from the provided minimum and maximum value (so the generated number could also be the minimum or maximum number):并且此方法将从提供的最小值和最大值返回一个随机数(因此生成的数字也可以是最小或最大数字):

public static int getRandomNumberFrom(int min, int max) {
    Random foo = new Random();
    int randomNumber = foo.nextInt((max + 1) - min) + min;

    return randomNumber;

To generate a random number "in between two numbers", use the following code:要生成“在两个数字之间”的随机数,请使用以下代码:

Random r = new Random();
int lowerBound = 1;
int upperBound = 11;
int result = r.nextInt(upperBound-lowerBound) + lowerBound;

This gives you a random number in between 1 (inclusive) and 11 (exclusive), so initialize the upperBound value by adding 1. For example, if you want to generate random number between 1 to 10 then initialize the upperBound number with 11 instead of 10.这会给你一个介于 1(包括)和 11(不包括)之间的随机数,所以通过加 1 来初始化 upperBound 值。例如,如果你想生成 1 到 10 之间的随机数,那么用 11 而不是初始化 upperBound 数10.

如果掷骰子,它将是 1 到 6(不是 0 到 6)之间的随机数,所以:

face = 1 + randomNumbers.nextInt(6);
int random = minimum + Double.valueOf(Math.random()*(maximum-minimum )).intValue();

或者看看Apache Commons的 RandomUtils 。

You can achieve that concisely in Java 8:您可以在 Java 8 中简洁地实现这一点:

Random random = new Random();

int max = 10;
int min = 5;
int totalNumber = 10;

IntStream stream = random.ints(totalNumber, min, max);

Here's a helpful class to generate random ints in a range with any combination of inclusive/exclusive bounds:这是一个有用的类,可以在包含/排除边界的任意组合的范围内生成随机ints

import java.util.Random;

public class RandomRange extends Random {
    public int nextIncInc(int min, int max) {
        return nextInt(max - min + 1) + min;

    public int nextExcInc(int min, int max) {
        return nextInt(max - min) + 1 + min;

    public int nextExcExc(int min, int max) {
        return nextInt(max - min - 1) + 1 + min;

    public int nextIncExc(int min, int max) {
        return nextInt(max - min) + min;
public static Random RANDOM = new Random(System.nanoTime());

public static final float random(final float pMin, final float pMax) {
    return pMin + RANDOM.nextFloat() * (pMax - pMin);

Another option is just using Apache Commons :另一种选择是只使用Apache Commons

import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomData;
import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomDataImpl;

public void method() {
    RandomData randomData = new RandomDataImpl();
    int number = randomData.nextInt(5, 10);
    // ...

I found this example Generate random numbers :我发现这个例子生成随机数

This example generates random integers in a specific range.此示例生成特定范围内的随机整数。

import java.util.Random;

/** Generate random integers in a certain range. */
public final class RandomRange {

  public static final void main(String... aArgs){
    log("Generating random integers in the range 1..10.");

    int START = 1;
    int END = 10;
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int idx = 1; idx <= 10; ++idx){
      showRandomInteger(START, END, random);


  private static void showRandomInteger(int aStart, int aEnd, Random aRandom){
    if ( aStart > aEnd ) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start cannot exceed End.");
    //get the range, casting to long to avoid overflow problems
    long range = (long)aEnd - (long)aStart + 1;
    // compute a fraction of the range, 0 <= frac < range
    long fraction = (long)(range * aRandom.nextDouble());
    int randomNumber =  (int)(fraction + aStart);    
    log("Generated : " + randomNumber);

  private static void log(String aMessage){

An example run of this class :此类的示例运行:

Generating random integers in the range 1..10.
Generated : 9
Generated : 3
Generated : 3
Generated : 9
Generated : 4
Generated : 1
Generated : 3
Generated : 9
Generated : 10
Generated : 10

When you need a lot of random numbers, I do not recommend the Random class in the API. 当您需要大量随机数时,建议不要在API中使用Random类。 It has just a too small period. 周期太短了。 Try the Mersenne twister instead. 请尝试使用梅森捻线机 There is a Java implementation . 一个Java实现

Here is a simple sample that shows how to generate random number from closed [min, max] range, while min <= max is true这是一个简单的示例,展示了如何从封闭的[min, max]范围生成随机数,而min <= max is true

You can reuse it as field in hole class, also having all Random.class methods in one place您可以将其作为孔类中的字段重用,同时将所有Random.class方法放在一个地方

Results example:结果示例:

RandomUtils random = new RandomUtils();
random.nextInt(0, 0); // returns 0
random.nextInt(10, 10); // returns 10
random.nextInt(-10, 10); // returns numbers from -10 to 10 (-10, -9....9, 10)
random.nextInt(10, -10); // throws assert


import junit.framework.Assert;
import java.util.Random;

public class RandomUtils extends Random {

     * @param min generated value. Can't be > then max
     * @param max generated value
     * @return values in closed range [min, max].
    public int nextInt(int min, int max) {
        Assert.assertFalse("min can't be > then max; values:[" + min + ", " + max + "]", min > max);
        if (min == max) {
            return max;

        return nextInt(max - min + 1) + min;

It's better to use SecureRandom rather than just Random.最好使用SecureRandom而不是 Random。

public static int generateRandomInteger(int min, int max) {
    SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
    rand.setSeed(new Date().getTime());
    int randomNum = rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;
    return randomNum;
rand.nextInt((max+1) - min) + min;


private static Random random = new Random();    

public static int getRandomInt(int min, int max){
  return random.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min;


public static int getRandomInt(Random random, int min, int max)
  return random.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min;

Java 17 introduced the RandomGenerator interface, which provides a int nextInt(int origin, int bound) method to get a random integer in a range: Java 17 引入了RandomGenerator接口,它提供了一个int nextInt(int origin, int bound)方法来获取一个范围内的随机整数:

// Returns a random int between minimum (inclusive) & maximum (exclusive)
int randomInt = RandomGenerator.getDefault().nextInt(minimum, maximum);

In addition to being used for the new random generation algorithms added in Java 17, this interface was added to the existing random generation classes ( Random , SecureRandom , SplittableRandom , and ThreadLocalRandom ).除了用于 Java 17 中添加的新随机生成算法之外,该接口还添加到现有的随机生成类( RandomSecureRandomSplittableRandomThreadLocalRandom )中。 Therefore, as of Java 17, these classes have this bounded nextInt method:因此,从 Java 17 开始,这些类具有这个有界的nextInt方法:

new Random().nextInt(minimum, maximum);
new SecureRandom().nextInt(minimum, maximum);
new SplittableRandom().nextInt(minimum, maximum);
new ThreadLocalRandom().nextInt(minimum, maximum);

This method is new to Random and SecureRandom as of Java 17. Prior to Java 17, ThreadLocalRandom and SplittableRandom already had this method, though it was not specified by a shared interface.从 Java 17 开始,此方法是RandomSecureRandom的新方法。在 Java 17 之前, ThreadLocalRandomSplittableRandom已经具有此方法,尽管它不是由共享接口指定的。

Random rng = new Random();
int min = 3;
int max = 11;
int upperBound = max - min + 1; // upper bound is exclusive, so +1
int num = min + rng.nextInt(upperBound);

You can use this code snippet which will resolve your problem:您可以使用此代码段来解决您的问题:

Random r = new Random();
int myRandomNumber = 0;
myRandomNumber = r.nextInt(maxValue - minValue + 1) + minValue;

Use myRandomNumber (which will give you a number within a range).使用 myRandomNumber (它会给你一个范围内的数字)。

I will simply state what is wrong with the solutions provided by the question and why the errors.我将简单说明问题提供的解决方案有什么问题以及为什么会出现错误。

Solution 1:解决方案1:

randomNum = minimum + (int)(Math.random()*maximum); 

Problem: randomNum is assigned values numbers bigger than maximum.问题:randomNum 被分配的数值大于最大值。

Explanation: Suppose our minimum is 5, and your maximum is 10. Any value from Math.random() greater than 0.6 will make the expression evaluate to 6 or greater, and adding 5 makes it greater than 10 (your maximum).解释:假设我们的最小值是 5,而你的最大值是 10。 Math.random()中任何大于 0.6 的值都会使表达式的计算结果为 6 或更大,加上 5 会使它大于 10(你的最大值)。 The problem is you are multiplying the random number by the maximum (which generates a number almost as big as the maximum) and then adding the minimum.问题是您将随机数乘以最大值(生成的数字几乎与最大值一样大),然后加上最小值。 Unless the minimum is 1, it's not correct.除非最小值为 1,否则它是不正确的。 You have to switch to, as mentioned in other answers如其他答案所述,您必须切换到

randomNum = minimum + (int)(Math.random()*(maximum-minimum+1))

The +1 is because Math.random() will never return 1.0. +1 是因为Math.random()永远不会返回 1.0。

Solution 2:解决方案2:

Random rn = new Random();
int n = maximum - minimum + 1;
int i = rn.nextInt() % n;
randomNum =  minimum + i;

Your problem here is that '%' may return a negative number if the first term is smaller than 0. Since rn.nextInt() returns negative values with ~50% chance, you will also not get the expected result.您的问题是,如果第一项小于 0,则 '%' 可能会返回负数。由于rn.nextInt()以约 50% 的机会返回负值,因此您也不会得到预期的结果。

This, was, however, almost perfect.然而,这几乎是完美的。 You just had to look a bit further down the Javadoc, nextInt(int n) .您只需进一步查看 Javadoc, nextInt(int n) With that method available, doing使用该方法可用,做

Random rn = new Random();
int n = maximum - minimum + 1;
int i = rn.nextInt(n);
randomNum =  minimum + i;

Would also return the desired result.也会返回想要的结果。

import java.util.Random; 

public class RandomUtil {
    // Declare as class variable so that it is not re-seeded every call
    private static Random random = new Random();

     * Returns a psuedo-random number between min and max (both inclusive)
     * @param min Minimim value
     * @param max Maximim value. Must be greater than min.
     * @return Integer between min and max (both inclusive)
     * @see java.util.Random#nextInt(int)
    public static int nextInt(int min, int max) {
        // nextInt is normally exclusive of the top value,
        // so add 1 to make it inclusive
        return random.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;

A different approach using Java 8 IntStream and Collections.shuffle使用 Java 8 IntStream 和 Collections.shuffle 的不同方法

import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        IntStream range = IntStream.rangeClosed(5,10);
        ArrayList<Integer> ls =  new ArrayList<Integer>();

        //populate the ArrayList
        range.forEach(i -> ls.add(new Integer(i)) );

        //perform a random shuffle  using the Collections Fisher-Yates shuffle

The equivalent in Scala Scala 中的等价物

import scala.util.Random

object RandomRange extends App{
  val x =  Random.shuffle(5 to 10)

I am thinking to linearly normalize the generated random numbers into desired range by using the following.我正在考虑通过使用以下方法将生成的随机数线性归一化到所需的范围内。 Let x be a random number, let a and b be the minimum and maximum range of desired normalized number.x为随机数,令ab为所需归一化数的最小和最大范围。

Then below is just a very simple code snipplet to test the range produced by the linear mapping.然后下面只是一个非常简单的代码片段,用于测试线性映射产生的范围。

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int a = 100;
    int b = 1000;
    int lowest = b;
    int highest = a;
    int count = 100000;
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        int nextNumber = (int) ((Math.abs(random.nextDouble()) * (b - a))) + a;
        if (nextNumber < a || nextNumber > b) {
            System.err.println("number not in range :" + nextNumber);
        else {
        if (nextNumber < lowest) {
            lowest = nextNumber;
        if (nextNumber > highest) {
            highest = nextNumber;
    System.out.println("Produced " + count + " numbers from " + lowest
            + " to " + highest);

You can do something like this:你可以这样做:

import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int first, second;

        Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("Enter first integer: ");
        int numOne;
        numOne = myScanner.nextInt();
        System.out.println("You have keyed in " + numOne);

        System.out.println("Enter second integer: ");
        int numTwo;
        numTwo = myScanner.nextInt();
        System.out.println("You have keyed in " + numTwo);

        Random generator = new Random();
        int num = (int)(Math.random()*numTwo);
        System.out.println("Random number: " + ((num>numOne)?num:numOne+num));

You could use the你可以使用

RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(int count)

method which is also from Apache Commons .也来自Apache Commons的方法。

Random random = new Random();
int max = 10;
int min = 3;
int randomNum = random.nextInt(max) % (max - min + 1) + min;


ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(rangeStart, rangeEndExclusive)

You can use the following way to do that:您可以使用以下方式来做到这一点:

int range = 10;
int min = 5
Random r = new Random();
int = r.nextInt(range) + min;
int randomNum = 5 + (int)(Math.random()*5);

范围 5-10

I just generate a random number using Math.random() and multiply it by a big number, let's say 10000. So, I get a number between 0 to 10,000 and call this number i .我只是使用 Math.random() 生成一个随机数并将其乘以一个大数,比如 10000。所以,我得到一个介于 0 到 10,000 之间的数字并将这个数字称为i Now, if I need numbers between (x, y), then do the following:现在,如果我需要 (x, y) 之间的数字,请执行以下操作:

i = x + (i % (y - x));

So, all i 's are numbers between x and y.所以,所有i都是 x 和 y 之间的数字。

To remove the bias as pointed out in the comments, rather than multiplying it by 10000 (or the big number), multiply it by (yx).要消除评论中指出的偏差,而不是将其乘以 10000(或大数),而是乘以 (yx)。

This is the easy way to do this.这是执行此操作的简单方法。

import java.util.Random;
class Example{
    public static void main(String args[]){
        /*-To test-
        for(int i = 1 ;i<20 ; i++){

        int randomnumber = randomnumber();


    public static int randomnumber(){
        Random rand = new Random();
        int randomNum = rand.nextInt(6) + 5;

        return randomNum;

In there 5 is the starting point of random numbers.那里 5 是随机数的起点。 6 is the range including number 5. 6 是包含数字 5 的范围。

Say you want range between 0-9, 0 is minimum and 9 is maximum.假设您想要介于 0-9 之间的范围,0 是最小值,9 是最大值。 The below function will print anything between 0 and 9. It's the same for all ranges.下面的函数将打印 0 到 9 之间的任何内容。所有范围都相同。

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int b = randomNumberRange(0, 9);
    int d = randomNumberRange (100, 200);
    System.out.println("value of b is " + b);
    System.out.println("value of d is " + d);

public static int randomNumberRange(int min, int max) {
    int n = (max + 1 - min) + min;
    return (int) (Math.random() * n);

Making the following change in Attempt 1 should do the work -尝试 1中进行以下更改应该可以完成工作 -

randomNum = minimum + (int)(Math.random() * (maximum - minimum) );

Check this for working code.检查工作代码。

One of my friends had asked me this same question in university today (his requirements was to generate a random number between 1 & -1).我的一个朋友今天在大学里问过我同样的问题(他的要求是生成一个介于 1 和 -1 之间的随机数)。 So I wrote this, and it works fine so far with my testing.所以我写了这个,到目前为止它在我的测试中运行良好。 There are ideally a lot of ways to generate random numbers given a range.理想情况下,有很多方法可以在给定范围内生成随机数。 Try this:尝试这个:


private static float getRandomNumberBetween(float numberOne, float numberTwo) throws Exception{

    if (numberOne == numberTwo){
        throw new Exception("Both the numbers can not be equal");

    float rand = (float) Math.random();
    float highRange = Math.max(numberOne, numberTwo);
    float lowRange = Math.min(numberOne, numberTwo);

    float lowRand = (float) Math.floor(rand-1);
    float highRand = (float) Math.ceil(rand+1);

    float genRand = (highRange-lowRange)*((rand-lowRand)/(highRand-lowRand))+lowRange;

    return genRand;

Execute like this:像这样执行:

System.out.println( getRandomNumberBetween(1,-1));

I think this code will work for it.我认为这段代码会为它工作。 Please try this:请试试这个:

import java.util.Random;
public final class RandomNumber {

    public static final void main(String... aArgs) {
        log("Generating 10 random integers in range 1..10.");
        int START = 1;
        int END = 10;
        Random randomGenerator = new Random();
        for (int idx=1; idx<=10; ++idx) {

            // int randomInt=randomGenerator.nextInt(100);
            // log("Generated : " + randomInt);

    private static void log(String aMessage) {

    private static void showRandomInteger(int aStart, int aEnd, Random aRandom) {
        if (aStart > aEnd) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start cannot exceed End.");
        long range = (long)aEnd - (long)aStart + 1;
        long fraction = (long) (range * aRandom.nextDouble());
        int randomNumber = (int) (fraction + aStart);
        log("Generated" + randomNumber);

This will generate Random numbers list with range (Min - Max) with no duplicate .这将生成范围 (Min - Max)没有重复随机数列表

generateRandomListNoDuplicate(1000, 8000, 500);

Add this method.添加此方法。

private void generateRandomListNoDuplicate(int min, int max, int totalNoRequired) {
    Random rng = new Random();
    Set<Integer> generatedList = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    while (generatedList.size() < totalNoRequired) {
        Integer radnomInt = rng.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min;

Hope this will help you.希望这会帮助你。

I have created a method to get a unique integer in a given range.我创建了一种方法来获取给定范围内的唯一整数。

      * minNum is the minimum possible random number
      * maxNum is the maximum possible random number
      * numbersNeeded is the quantity of random number required
      * the give method provides you with unique random number between min & max range
public static Set<Integer> getUniqueRandomNumbers( int minNum , int maxNum ,int numbersNeeded ){

    if(minNum >= maxNum)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxNum must be greater than minNum");

    if(! (numbersNeeded > (maxNum - minNum + 1) ))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("numberNeeded must be greater then difference b/w (max- min +1)");

    Random rng = new Random(); // Ideally just create one instance globally

    // Note: use LinkedHashSet to maintain insertion order
    Set<Integer> generated = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
    while (generated.size() < numbersNeeded)
        Integer next = rng.nextInt((maxNum - minNum) + 1) + minNum;

        // As we're adding to a set, this will automatically do a containment check
    return generated;

If you already use Commons Lang API 3.x or latest version then there is one class for random number generation RandomUtils .如果您已经使用Commons Lang API 3.x或最新版本,那么有一类用于生成随机数RandomUtils

public static int nextInt(int startInclusive, int endExclusive)

Returns a random integer within the specified range.返回指定范围内的随机整数。


startInclusive - the specified starting value startInclusive - 指定的起始值

endExclusive - the specified end value endExclusive - 指定的结束值

int random = RandomUtils.nextInt(999,1000000);

Note: In RandomUtils have many methods for random number generation注意:在RandomUtils中有很多随机数生成方法

The below code generates a random number between 100,000 and 900,000.下面的代码生成一个介于 100,000 和 900,000 之间的随机数。 This code will generate six digit values.此代码将生成六位数的值。 I'm using this code to generate a six-digit OTP .我正在使用此代码生成六位数的OTP

Use import java.util.Random to use this random method.使用import java.util.Random来使用这个随机方法。

import java.util.Random;

// Six digits random number generation for OTP
Random rnd = new Random();
long longregisterOTP = 100000 + rnd.nextInt(900000);

The following is another example using Random and forEach下面是另一个使用 Random 和 forEach 的例子

int firstNum = 20;//Inclusive
int lastNum = 50;//Exclusive
int streamSize = 10;
Random num = new Random().ints(10, 20, 50).forEach(System.out::println);

Use java.util for Random for general use.将 java.util 用于 Random 用于一般用途。

You can define your minimum and maximum range to get those results.您可以定义最小和最大范围以获得这些结果。

Random rand=new Random();
rand.nextInt((max+1) - min) + min;
int func(int max, int min){

      int range = max - min + 1;
      // Math.random() function will return a random no between [0.0,1.0).
      int res = (int) ( Math.random()*range)+min;

      return res;

Use Apache Lang3 Commons使用 Apache Lang3 Commons

Integer.parseInt(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(6, 6));

Min Value 100000 to Max Value 999999最小值 100000 到最大值 999999

You can either use the Random class to generate a random number and then use the .nextInt(maxNumber) to generate a random number.您可以使用 Random 类生成随机数,然后使用 .nextInt(maxNumber) 生成随机数。 The maxNumber is the number that you want the maximum when generating a random number. maxNumber 是生成随机数时希望最大的数字。 Please remember though, that the Random class gives you the numbers 0 through maxNumber-1.但请记住,Random 类为您提供数字 0 到 maxNumber-1。

Random r = new Random();
int i = r.nextInt();

Another way to do this is to use the Math.Random() class which many classes in schools require you to use because it is more efficient and you don't have to declare a new Random object.另一种方法是使用 Math.Random() 类,学校中的许多课程都要求您使用它,因为它更有效并且您不必声明新的 Random 对象。 To get a random number using Math.Random() you type in:要使用 Math.Random() 获取随机数,请输入:

Math.random() * (max - min) + min;

Random number from the range [min..max] inclusive: [min..max] 范围内的随机数:

int randomFromMinToMaxInclusive = ThreadLocalRandom.current()
        .nextInt(min, max + 1);

Most of previous suggestions don't consider 'overflow'.以前的大多数建议都没有考虑“溢出”。 For example: min = Integer.MIN_VALUE, max = 100. One of the correct approaches I have so far is:例如:min = Integer.MIN_VALUE, max = 100。到目前为止,我采用的正确方法之一是:

final long mod = max- min + 1L;
final int next = (int) (Math.abs(rand.nextLong() % mod) + min);

There is a library at https://sourceforge.net/projects/stochunit/ for handling selection of ranges. https://sourceforge.net/projects/stochunit/有一个库,用于处理范围的选择。

StochIntegerSelector randomIntegerSelector = new StochIntegerSelector();
Integer selectInteger = randomIntegerSelector.selectInteger();

It has edge inclusion/preclusion.它具有边缘包含/排除。

import java.util.Random;

public class RandomSSNTest {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

    public static void generateDummySSNNumber() {
        Random random = new Random();

        int id1 = random.nextInt(1000);//3
        int id2 = random.nextInt(100);//2
        int id3 = random.nextInt(10000);//4



You can also use你也可以使用

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
Random random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();

However, this class doesn't perform well in a multi-threaded environment.但是,此类在多线程环境中表现不佳。

To avoid repeating what have been said multiple times, I am showing an alternative for those that need a cryptographically stronger pseudo-random number generator by using the SecureRandom class, which extends the class Random .为了避免重复多次说过的话,我将通过使用SecureRandom类为那些需要加密更强的伪随机数生成器的人展示一个替代方案,该类扩展了类Random From source one can read:源代码可以阅读:

This class provides a cryptographically strong random number generator (RNG).此类提供了一个加密的强随机数生成器 (RNG)。 A cryptographically strong random number minimally complies with the statistical random number generator tests specified in FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, section 4.9.1.加密强随机数至少符合 FIPS 140-2,加密模块的安全要求,第 4.9.1 节中指定的统计随机数生成器测试。 Additionally, SecureRandom must produce non-deterministic output.此外,SecureRandom 必须产生非确定性的输出。 Therefore any seed material passed to a SecureRandom object must be unpredictable, and all SecureRandom output sequences must be cryptographically strong, as described in RFC 1750: Randomness Recommendations for Security.因此,传递给 SecureRandom 对象的任何种子材料都必须是不可预测的,并且所有 SecureRandom 输出序列必须具有加密强度,如 RFC 1750:安全随机性建议中所述。

A caller obtains a SecureRandom instance via the no-argument constructor or one of the getInstance methods:调用者通过无参数构造函数或 getInstance 方法之一获取 SecureRandom 实例:

 SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();

Many SecureRandom implementations are in the form of a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG), which means they use a deterministic algorithm to produce a pseudo-random sequence from a true random seed.许多 SecureRandom 实现采用伪随机数生成器 (PRNG) 的形式,这意味着它们使用确定性算法从真正的随机种子生成伪随机序列。 Other implementations may produce true random numbers, and yet others may use a combination of both techniques.其他实现可能会产生真正的随机数,而其他实现可能会使用这两种技术的组合。

To generate a random number between a min and max values inclusive:要生成介于minmax之间的随机数:

public static int generate(SecureRandom secureRandom, int min, int max) {
        return min + secureRandom.nextInt((max - min) + 1);

for a given a min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) values:对于给定的min (包括)和max (不包括)值:

return min + secureRandom.nextInt((max - min));

A running code example:运行代码示例:

public class Main {

    public static int generate(SecureRandom secureRandom, int min, int max) {
        return min + secureRandom.nextInt((max - min) + 1);

    public static void main(String[] arg) {
        SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
        System.out.println(generate(random, 0, 2 ));

Source such as stackoverflow , baeldung , geeksforgeeks provide comparisons between Random and SecureRandom classes.诸如stackoverflowbaeldunggeeksforgeeks 之类的源提供了RandomSecureRandom类之间的比较。

From baeldung one can read:baeldung可以读到:

The most common way of using SecureRandom is to generate int, long, float, double or boolean values:使用 SecureRandom 的最常见方式是生成 int、long、float、double 或 boolean 值:

int randomInt = secureRandom.nextInt(); int randomInt = secureRandom.nextInt();
long randomLong = secureRandom.nextLong(); long randomLong = secureRandom.nextLong();
float randomFloat = secureRandom.nextFloat();浮动 randomFloat = secureRandom.nextFloat();
double randomDouble = secureRandom.nextDouble();双 randomDouble = secureRandom.nextDouble();
boolean randomBoolean = secureRandom.nextBoolean(); boolean randomBoolean = secureRandom.nextBoolean();

For generating int values we can pass an upper bound as a parameter:为了生成 int 值,我们可以传递一个上限作为参数:

int randomInt = secureRandom.nextInt(upperBound); int randomInt = secureRandom.nextInt(upperBound);

In addition, we can generate a stream of values for int, double and long:此外,我们可以为 int、double 和 long 生成一个值流:

IntStream randomIntStream = secureRandom.ints(); IntStream randomIntStream = secureRandom.ints();
LongStream randomLongStream = secureRandom.longs(); LongStream randomLongStream = secureRandom.longs();
DoubleStream randomDoubleStream = secureRandom.doubles(); DoubleStream randomDoubleStream = secureRandom.doubles();

For all streams we can explicitly set the stream size:对于所有流,我们可以显式设置流大小:

IntStream intStream = secureRandom.ints(streamSize); IntStream intStream = secureRandom.ints(streamSize);

This class offers several other options ( eg, choosing the underlying random number generator) that are out of the scope of this question.此类提供了超出此问题范围的其他几个选项(例如,选择基础随机数生成器)。

Try using org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils class.尝试使用org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils类。 Yes, it sometimes give a repeated number adjacently, but it will give the value between 5 and 15:是的,它有时会给出相邻的重复数字,但它会给出 5 到 15 之间的值:

    while (true)
        int abc = Integer.valueOf(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(1));
        int cd = Integer.valueOf(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(2));
        if ((cd-abc) >= 5 && (cd-abc) <= 15)

Using Java 8 Streams,使用 Java 8 流,

  • Pass the initialCapacity - How many numbers传递 initialCapacity - 多少个数字
  • Pass the randomBound - from x to randomBound传递 randomBound - 从 x 到 randomBound
  • Pass true/false for sorted or not传递 true/false 是否已排序
  • Pass an new Random() object传递一个新的 Random() 对象

public static List<Integer> generateNumbers(int initialCapacity, int randomBound, Boolean sorted, Random random) {

    List<Integer> numbers = random.ints(initialCapacity, 1, randomBound).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());

    if (sorted)

    return numbers;

It generates numbers from 1-Randombound in this example.在此示例中,它从 1-Randombound 生成数字。

A simple way to generate n random numbers between a and b eg a =90, b=100, n =20一种在 a 和 b 之间生成 n 个随机数的简单方法,例如 a =90, b=100, n =20

Random r = new Random();
for(int i =0; i<20; i++){
    System.out.println(r.ints(90, 100).iterator().nextInt());

r.ints() returns an IntStream and has several useful methods, have look at its API . r.ints()返回一个IntStream并有几个有用的方法,看看它的API

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Random ran = new Random();

    int min, max;
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("Enter min range:");
    min = sc.nextInt();
    System.out.println("Enter max range:");
    max = sc.nextInt();
    int num = ran.nextInt(min);
    int num1 = ran.nextInt(max);
    System.out.println("Random Number between given range is " + num1);


Here's a function that returns exactly one integer random number in a range defined by lowerBoundIncluded and upperBoundIncluded , as requested by user42155根据 user42155 的要求,这是一个函数,它在lowerBoundIncludedupperBoundIncluded定义的范围内准确返回一个整数随机数

SplittableRandom splittableRandom = new SplittableRandom();

BiFunction<Integer,Integer,Integer> randomInt = (lowerBoundIncluded, upperBoundIncluded)
    -> splittableRandom.nextInt(lowerBoundIncluded, upperBoundIncluded + 1);

randomInt.apply( …, … ); // gets the random number

…or shorter for the one-time generation of a random number …或更短的随机数的一次性生成

new SplittableRandom().nextInt(lowerBoundIncluded, upperBoundIncluded + 1);

There are many ways to generate random integers within a specific range in java.We'll explore different ways of generating random numbers within a range. java中生成特定范围内的随机整数的方法有很多种,我们将探讨生成范围内随机数的不同方法。


Let's use the Math.random method to generate a random number in a given range [min, max).For generating random numbers within a range using Math.random(), follow the steps below:让我们使用 Math.random 方法生成给定范围 [min, max 内的随机数。要使用 Math.random() 生成范围内的随机数,请按照以下步骤操作:

  • Declare the minimum value of the range声明范围的最小值

  • Declare the maximum value of the range声明范围的最大值

  • Use the formula Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min) to generate values with the min and the max value inclusive.使用公式 Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min) 生成包含最小值和最大值的值。

     public class MathRandomExample { public static void main(String args[]) { int min = 1; int max = 10; System.out.println("random value in int from "+min+" to "+max+ ":"); int random_int = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min); System.out.println(random_int); } }

    Note: This method can only be used if you need an integer or float random value.注意:只有在需要整数或浮点随机值时才能使用此方法。

Random Class随机类

We can also use an instance of java.util.Random to do the same.我们也可以使用 java.util.Random 的实例来做同样的事情。

Let's make use of the java.util.Random.nextInt method to get a random number.让我们使用 java.util.Random.nextInt 方法来获取一个随机数。

public class RandomNextIntExample {
public static void main(String args[]) {
    int min = 1;
    int max = 10;

    Random random = new Random();
    System.out.println(random.nextInt(max - min) + min);


The java.util.Random.ints method returns an IntStream of random integers. java.util.Random.ints 方法返回一个随机整数的 IntStream。 So, we can utilize the java.util.Random.ints method and return a random number:因此,我们可以利用 java.util.Random.ints 方法并返回一个随机数:

public class RandomIntsExample {
public static void main(String args[]) {
    int min = 1;
    int max = 10;

    Random random = new Random();
    System.out.println(random.ints(min, max)


How to generate random number in java如何在java中生成随机数

There are many ways in java to generate random numbers. java中有很多方法可以生成随机数。 But I will show only 2 ways.但我只会展示两种方式。

  1. Using the random() Method使用 random() 方法
  2. Using the Random Class使用随机类

Using the Math.random() Method使用 Math.random() 方法

We can use the following formula if we want to a generate random number between a specified range.如果我们想在指定范围内生成随机数,我们可以使用以下公式。

Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min  

Integer generation:整数生成:

int b = (int)(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);  

Double generation:双代:

double a = Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min;   

Using the Random Class使用随机类

Another way to generate a random number is to use the Java Random class of the java.util package.另一种生成随机数的方法是使用java.util包的 Java Random 类。

First, import the class java.util.Random .首先,导入类java.util.Random

import java.util.Random;

Create an object of the Random class.创建 Random 类的对象。

Random random = new Random();   

Invoke any of the following methods:调用以下任何方法:

  1. nextInt(min, max),下一个整数(最小值,最大值),
  2. nextDouble(min, max) nextDouble(最小,最大)
  3. etc ETC

Random Integer Generation:随机整数生成:

// Generates random integers 0 to 49  
int x = random.nextInt(50);   
// Generates random integers 100 to 1000
int y = random.nextInt(100, ,1001);   
// Prints random integer values  

Random Double Generation:随机双生成:

// Generates Random doubles values
double a = random.nextDouble();   
// Generates Random doubles values 100 to 1000
double b = random.nextDouble(100, 1001);   

We can use Random class to generate value in between specified range by passing origin and bound value.我们可以使用随机 class 通过传递原点和绑定值来生成指定范围之间的值。 Note that bound value is exclusive.请注意,绑定值是独占的。

new Random().nextInt(1, 10)新的 Random().nextInt(1, 10)

If you don't want to re-invent the wheel, her is a one liner, no-brainer solution:如果您不想重新发明轮子,她是一个单行的、不费吹灰之力的解决方案:

RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(count); // where count is the number of digits you want in the random number.

Apache Utils provides many options to generate whatever format of random number you wish for. Apache Utils 提供了许多选项来生成您想要的任何格式的随机数。

Because the Android question redirects here, this is how you would do it with Kotlin:因为Android 问题重定向到这里,这就是您使用 Kotlin 的方式:

val r = (0..10).random() // A random integer between 0 and 10 inclusive

This works with Kotlin 1.3 and higher.这适用于 Kotlin 1.3及更高版本。 Refer to this answer .参考这个答案

If we have security-sensitive apps, we should use SecureRandom.如果我们有对安全敏感的应用程序,我们应该使用 SecureRandom。

    import java.security.SecureRandom;

    public class Main {
      public static void main(String... args){
        int max=13;
        int min =1;
        int randomWithSecureRandom = new SecureRandom().nextInt(max - min) + min;

The following snippet will give a random value between 0 and 10000:以下代码段将给出 0 到 10000 之间的随机值:

import java.util.Random;
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Random rand = new Random();
        System.out.printf("%04d%n", rand.nextInt(10000));

You can do as below.您可以执行以下操作。

import java.util.Random;
public class RandomTestClass {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Random r = new Random();
        int max, min;
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter maximum value : ");
        max = scanner.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter minimum value : ");
        min = scanner.nextInt();
        int randomNum;
        randomNum = r.nextInt(max) + min;
        System.out.println("Random Number : " + randomNum);


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