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[英]C# Array.Sort inconsistent results

I am trying to sort an array of tab-delimited strings. 我正在尝试对制表符分隔的字符串数组进行排序。 I call the split function on tab characters on each element to break the strings into string arrays. 我在每个元素的制表符上调用split函数,以将字符串分成字符串数组。 I then do a comparison on the date element to return the order that they should be in. If the dates are equal I do a secondary comparison on a string field. 然后,我对date元素进行比较以返回它们应遵循的顺序。如果日期相等,则对字符串字段进行第二次比较。 My implementation of the IComparer interface looks like this: 我对IComparer接口的实现如下所示:

class CompareLines : IComparer<string>
    public int Compare(string x, string y)
        string[] bSplitX = x.Split('\t');
        string[] bSplitY = y.Split('\t');

        int bYearX = Int32.Parse(bSplitX[4].Substring(4, 4));
        int bMonthX = Int32.Parse(bSplitX[4].Substring(0, 2));
        int bDayX = Int32.Parse(bSplitX[4].Substring(2, 2));

        int bYearY = Int32.Parse(bSplitY[4].Substring(4, 4));
        int bMonthY = Int32.Parse(bSplitY[4].Substring(0, 2));
        int bDayY = Int32.Parse(bSplitY[4].Substring(2, 2));

        DateTime bTempDateX = new DateTime(bYearX, bMonthX, bDayX);
        DateTime bTempDateY = new DateTime(bYearY, bMonthY, bDayY);

        if (DateTime.Compare(bTempDateX, bTempDateY) > 0)
            return 1;
        else if (DateTime.Compare(bTempDateX, bTempDateY) < 0)
            return -1;
        else if (DateTime.Compare(bTempDateX, bTempDateY) == 0)
            if (String.Compare(bSplitX[3], bSplitY[3]) > 0)
                return 1;
                return -1;
            Console.WriteLine("ahhh wtf"); //should never be reached. This message has never appeared in my console.
            return 0;

My problem is that it will work sometimes and not others. 我的问题是,它有时可能会起作用,而不是其他人。 Does anyone have any reasons why the above code would not work 100% of the time? 有谁有理由解释以上代码在100%的时间内无效?

This has been hurting my brain for a couple days now and I really do not understand why it is not working. 这已经伤害了我的大脑几天了,我真的不明白为什么它不起作用。

How about replacing 如何更换

if (String.Compare(bSplitX[3], bSplitY[3]) > 0) {
  return 1;
} else {
  return -1;


return String.Compare(bSplitX[3], bSplitY[3]);

Your current code in case of equal X and Y strings says that Y is smaller than X. The following is the code with ParseExact method. 在X和Y字符串相等的情况下,您当前的代码表示Y小于X。以下是使用ParseExact方法的代码。

class CompareLines : IComparer<string>
    public int Compare(string x, string y)
        string[] bSplitX = x.Split('\t');
        string[] bSplitY = y.Split('\t');

        DateTime bTempDateX = DateTime.ParseExact(bSplitX[4], "MMddyyyy", null);
        DateTime bTempDateY = DateTime.ParseExact(bSplitY[4], "MMddyyyy", null);

        if (DateTime.Compare(bTempDateX, bTempDateY) > 0)
            return 1;
        else if (DateTime.Compare(bTempDateX, bTempDateY) < 0)
            return -1;
            return String.Compare(bSplitX[3], bSplitY[3]);

The only hole I see is if the date and string are the same then you are not returning 0: 我看到的唯一漏洞是,如果日期字符串相同,那么您将不会返回0:

        if (String.Compare(bSplitX[3], bSplitY[3]) > 0) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return -1;  // if they are equal it will return -1.

That will throw off the sorting routine. 这将取消排序例程。

Here's a cleaner version: 这是一个更干净的版本:

   int dateCompare = DateTime.Compare(bTempDateX, bTempDateY);

   if (dateCompare == 0) 
        return String.Compare(bSplitX[3], bSplitY[3]);
       return dateCompare ;

For one, you don't need to rewrite the compare logic built into the framework, it already returns what you're expecting so long as you set up the data properly first-hand. 首先,您不需要重写框架中内置的比较逻辑,只要您正确设置了第一手数据,它就已经返回了您期望的结果。 As Jon suggested, simply parse the dates then, return the comparison of the dates. 正如Jon所建议的那样,只需解析日期,然后返回日期的比较即可。 I added a property IncomingFormat which may not be useful considering your input. 我添加了一个属性IncomingFormat,考虑到您的输入,该属性可能没有用。

Edit: more succinct/clear: 编辑:更简洁/清晰:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    public class CompareLines : IComparer<string>
        public string IncomingFormat { get; set; }

        public int Compare(string first, string second)
            var date1 = DateTime.ParseExact(first, IncomingFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var date2 = DateTime.ParseExact(second, IncomingFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            return date1.CompareTo(date2);

    internal class Program
        private static void Main()
            const string dataFormat = "MM\tdd\tyyyy";

            var comparer = new CompareLines
                IncomingFormat = dataFormat

            int result;
            string date1, date2;

            date1 = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2000").ToString(dataFormat);
            date2 = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2000").ToString(dataFormat);
            result = comparer.Compare(date1, date2);
            Debug.Assert(result == 0);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} compare {1} = {2}", date1, date2, result);

            date1 = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2000").ToString(dataFormat);
            date2 = DateTime.Parse("1/2/2000").ToString(dataFormat);
            result = comparer.Compare(date1, date2);
            Debug.Assert(result == -1);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} compare {1} = {2}", date1, date2, result);

            date1 = DateTime.Parse("1/2/2000").ToString(dataFormat);
            date2 = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2000").ToString(dataFormat);
            result = comparer.Compare(date1, date2);
            Debug.Assert(result == 1);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} compare {1} = {2}", date1, date2, result);


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