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[英]ES6 Template String testbed

I'm really interested in finding out about ES6 Template Strings and have been doing a little bit of reading on the feature. 我真的很想知道ES6模板字符串,并且已经对该功能进行了一些阅读。

However now that Chrome Canary does not support it (although maybe I'm wrong about that!) is there anywhere/anything I can use to try out this new functionality? 但是现在Chrome Canary不支持它(虽然我可能错了!)有什么地方可以用来试用这个新功能吗? Any browser beta around that does? 有任何浏览器测试版吗?

I've already enabled Experimental Javascript Features inside chrome://flags 我已经在chrome://flags启用了实验性Javascript功能

It's only supported in Traceur at the moment . 它目前仅在Traceur中得到支持

You can play with it in their REPL . 你可以在他们的REPL中玩它。

es6fiddle.net doesn't seem to support it yet, but probably will soon. es6fiddle.net似乎还不支持它,但可能很快就会支持它。

Mozilla is working on it so expect to see it in nightly builds soon as well. Mozilla 正在研究它,所以希望尽快在夜间建立。

It's Supported in 它支持

  1. Edge 边缘
  2. Firefox 火狐
  3. Chrome/Opera 镀铬/歌剧
  4. Webkit WebKit的

Missing in safari ;( though 在野生动物园中失踪;(尽管如此

cough safari is the new ie cough 咳嗽狩猎是新的即咳嗽

source 资源

Regarding template strings and support for ES6 features 关于模板字符串和对ES6功能的支持

I would also use traceur to play around with most ES6 features, but have a look at this ES6 compatibility table , it's invaluable when you want to find out which platforms/transpilers support which features. 我还会使用traceur来解决大多数ES6功能,但是看看这个ES6兼容性表 ,当你想知道哪些平台/转换器支持哪些功能时它是非常宝贵的。

For anyone else landing on this question, go and check out tagtree's videos onn ES6 features. 对于其他任何登陆此问题的人来说,请查看tagtree上的ES6功能视频。

To see template strings , arrow syntax and desctructuring , have a look at this free tagtree tutorial screencast , no registration is required. 要查看模板字符串箭头语法解构 ,请查看此免费tagtree教程截屏视频 ,无需注册。

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