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[英]How do I 'force' python to use a specific version of a module?

I'm new to python so I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere with tags I haven't thought of. 我是python的新手,所以我很抱歉,如果已经在其他地方用我没有想过的标签回答了这个问题。

I'm trying to update numpy from the 1.6 version I have now to 1.8. 我正在尝试将numpy从我现在的1.6版本更新为1.8。 I've installed numpy in my python site-packages when I call numpy it calls the old 1.6 version. 我在我的python site-packages中安装了numpy,当我调用numpy时,它调用旧的1.6版本。 I've tried looking for the root to numpy 1.6 so I can remove it but that leads to :- 我已经尝试寻找根到numpy 1.6所以我可以删除它,但这导致: -

import numpy
print numpy.__version__
print numpy.__file__

I've added the folder containing the module to the system path using:- 我使用以下方法将包含模块的文件夹添加到系统路径: -


and I know this works as I can call other modules in this location with no errors, for example:- 我知道这可行,因为我可以在此位置调​​用其他模块而没有错误,例如: -

import wx
import Bio


import nose

produce no errors. 不产生任何错误。 Why is this happening and how can I tell python which version of numpy to use? 为什么会发生这种情况?如何告诉python使用哪个版本的numpy?

You can also insert the directory to the beginning of the path, so you won't need to remove the old one: 您还可以将目录插入路径的开头,因此您不需要删除旧目录:

sys.path.insert(1, 'C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages')

That won't work if you've already import your module. 如果您已导入模块,那将无效。 You can either import it after the sys.path.insert command, or use importlib.reload( module_name ) 您可以在sys.path.insert命令之后导入它,也可以使用importlib.reload( module_name

This is a very messy solution and probably shouldn't be encouraged but I found that if I remove the location of the old version of numpy from the system path I can call the version I want. 这是一个非常混乱的解决方案,可能不应该鼓励,但我发现,如果我从系统路径中删除旧版本numpy的位置,我可以调用我想要的版本。 The specific lines were:- 具体路线是: -

import sys
import numpy

Force python to use an older version of module (than what I have installed now) mentions a generic solution: 强制python使用旧版本的模块(比我现在安装的版本)提到了一个通用的解决方案:

 import pkg_resources pkg_resources.require("numpy==`1.16.2") # modified to use specific numpy import numpy 

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