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使用量角器和远程api进行AngularJS e2e测试

[英]AngularJS e2e Testing with Protractor and remote api

I would like to test my Angular app that is heavily dependent on an API. 我想测试严重依赖于API的Angular应用程序。 The API is being tested separately with phpunit and we are creating fixtures so ideally I was hoping to not have to create another set of mocked fixtures in Angular. 该API正在与phpunit分开进行测试,我们正在创建固定装置,因此理想情况下,我希望不必在Angular中创建另一组模拟固定装置。 I am using Protractor with the chrome driver only right now. 我现在仅在Chrome驱动程序中使用量角器。

First I have to login through a page that is NOT an Angular app. 首先,我必须通过不是Angular应用程序的页面登录。

I then go to a page that shows a loader with ng-if='loadingCards' and hides a table with ng-if='!loadingCards' and then when the API call to retrieve cards is finished, the value of loadingCards is flipped. 然后,我转到一个页面,该页面显示带有ng-if='loadingCards'的加载器,并隐藏带有ng-if='!loadingCards' ,然后在API检索卡的调用完成时, loadingCards的值翻转。

Below is the beginning of the test spec which gets you through the non angular login and then takes you to the card listing page. 以下是测试规格的开始,它可以帮助您完成非角度登录,然后转到卡列表页面。 All I would like to do is to see the contents of the cards $scope variable to see that the API has indeed returned something but I always get an empty array. 我要做的就是看cards $ scope变量的内容,以查看API确实返回了一些东西,但是我总是得到一个空数组。

describe('User cards page', function() {
  var driver;
  var ptor;

  beforeEach(function() {
    ptor = protractor.getInstance();
    ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true;
    browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
    driver = ptor.driver;

  it('should login', function() {

  it('should list cards', function() {

    var ucards = element.all(by.repeater('card in cards')).then(function(cards) {

Perhaps it() where the login takes place, follows the it() where you do the check of the card count. 可能在进行登录的it()后面跟随进行卡计数检查的it()。 I would recommend moving the login part to the beforeEach. 我建议将登录部分移至beforeEach。

And if that doesn't work, perhaps a ptor.sleep(300) could help. 如果这不起作用,也许ptor.sleep(300)可能会有所帮助。 Place that just below the browser.get() of the page. 将其放在页面的browser.get()下方。 The api may not have returned a value. api可能没有返回值。

i think you are mixing up two things. 我认为您正在混淆两件事。 You can either write: 您可以写:

element.all(by.repeater('card in cards')).then(function(cards) {

or: 要么:

var ucards = element.all(by.repeater('card in cards'));
ucards.then(function(cards) {

but you are making kind of ... both. 但是你们两者都在做。

Do you get any errors? 你有什么错误吗? Could you check for your current url? 您可以检查当前的网址吗?


Greetings! 问候!

Walter helped me debug this by using the sleep command to keep the chromedriver iwndow open longer so I could see that the URL I was using was incorrect. Walter通过使用sleep命令帮助我延长了chromedriver iwndow的打开时间,从而帮助我进行了调试,因此我可以看到所使用的URL不正确。 One more test to create. 再创建一个测试。 Closing this. 关闭这个。

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