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在量角器/端到端测试(AngularJS)中访问$ http数据

[英]Accessing $http data in Protractor / E2E tests (AngularJS)

I have a bunch of Unit tests that are going well, and I've started to add Protractor E2E tests to my project. 我有一堆运行良好的单元测试,并且已经开始将Protractor E2E测试添加到我的项目中。 I'm doing okay testing interactive elements on the page, but I'm having trouble testing for certain data being sent out of the browser. 我正在测试页面上的交互元素,但是在测试某些数据从浏览器中发送时遇到了麻烦。

For instance, I want to see if clicking a certain button produces a POST to a certain endpoint. 例如,我想查看是否单击某个按钮会生成到某个端点的POST

I have protractor set up using the following: 我使用以下方法设置了量角器:

/*globals global*/
module.exports = function() {
    'use strict';
    var chai = require('chai')
    ,   promised = require('chai-as-promised');

    global.expect = chai.expect;


I understand how to use Protractor to interact: 我了解如何使用量角器进行交互:

it('send data to the "log" endpoint when clicked', function() {
    var repeater = element.all(by.repeater('finding in data.items'));

    repeater.get(0).click().then(function() {
        // $http expectation

However, I don't know how to set up $httpBackend in Protractor so I can capture the data that gets sent as a result of the .click() event. 但是,我不知道如何在Protractor中设置$httpBackend ,因此我可以捕获由于$httpBackend .click()事件.click()发送的数据。 Do I need an additional module? 我需要额外的模块吗?

In Karma/Mocha I would simply: 在Karma / Mocha中,我将简单地:


describe('logging service', function() {
    var $httpPostSpy, LoggingService;

    beforeEach(inject(function(_logging_, $http, $httpBackend) {
        $httpPostSpy = sinon.spy($http, 'post');
        LoggingService = _logging_;
        backend = $httpBackend;
        backend.when('POST', '/api/log').respond(200);

    it('should send data to $http.post', function() [
        LoggingService.sendLog({ message: 'logged!'});

But I don't know how to get a reference to $httpBackend and inject modules in Protractor. 但是我不知道如何在Protractor中获得对$httpBackend的引用并inject模块。

End to end testing is about testing the code is manner that is similar to how an end user will do. 端到端测试是关于测试代码的方式,类似于最终用户的方式。 So verifying whether a remote request is made should be validated against a visible outcome, such as data getting loaded into a div or grid. 因此,应根据可见结果验证是否发出了远程请求,例如将数据加载到div或网格中。

Still if you want to validate remote requests are made, you can create a mock back end setup using the ngMockE2E module, which contains a mock $htpBackend similar to the one in ngMock . 仍然,如果您想验证是否发出了远程请求,则可以使用ngMockE2E模块创建一个模拟后端设置,该模块包含一个类似于$htpBackend中的模拟$htpBackend ngMock

Look at the documentation on the $httpBackend https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMockE2E/service/ $httpBackend 查看$httpBackend上的文档https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMockE2E/service/ $ httpBackend

$httpBackend is for mocking a fake call to the server. $ httpBackend用于模拟对服务器的虚假调用。 In e2e test you normally do want to actually make a call to the server. 在e2e测试中,您通常确实希望实际调用服务器。 It's important to note that most element locators in protractor return promises . 重要的是要注意,量角器中的大多数元素定位器都会返回promise

That means with this code your test will know to wait until the response from the server comes back and then assert that the text is the p tag is the correct data from the server. 这意味着使用此代码,您的测试将知道等待直到服务器的响应返回,然后断言文本p标记是来自服务器的正确数据。

my-file.spec.js my-file.spec.js

    'use strict';

describe('The main view', function () {
  var page;

  beforeEach(function () {
    page = require('./main.po');

  it('should have resultText defined', function () {

  it('should display some text', function() {


my-file.po.js my-file.po.js

'use strict';

var MainPage = function() {
  this.resultText = element(by.css('.result-text'));


module.exports = new MainPage();

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