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在散列的 Perl 散列中引用散列键链

[英]Referring to a chain of hash keys in a Perl hash of hashes

I have a hash of hashes storing data like so我有一个散列的散列存储数据

our %deviceSettings = (
  BB => {
          EUTRA => {
            DL => { CPC => "NORM", PLCI => { CID => 88 }, ULCPc => "NORM" },
            UL => {
                    REFSig  => { DSSHift => 2, GRPHopping => 1, SEQHopping => 1 },
                    SOFFset => 0,

I can walk the structure and find a particular key, say CID , and retrieve its value and store the 'path' in an array ('BB', 'EUTRA', 'DL', 'PLCI') .我可以遍历结构并找到一个特定的键,比如CID ,然后检索它的值并将“路径”存储在一个数组('BB', 'EUTRA', 'DL', 'PLCI')

I can also explicitly set a value, like this我也可以像这样显式设置一个值

$deviceSettings_ref->{BB}{EUTRA}{DL}{PLCI}{CID} = 99

But I want to know how to set a value programatically using a discovered path.但我想知道如何使用发现的路径以编程方式设置值。

You can walk up the hash using a placeholder $hashref :您可以使用占位符$hashref哈希:

my $hashref = \%deviceSettings;

$hashref = $hashref->{$_} for qw(BB EUTRA DL PLCI);
$hashref->{CID} = 'My New Path';

use Data::Dump;
dd \%deviceSettings;


  BB => {
          EUTRA => {
            DL => { CPC => "NORM", PLCI => { CID => "My New Path" }, ULCPc => "NORM" },
            UL => {
                    REFSig  => { DSSHift => 2, GRPHopping => 1, SEQHopping => 1 },
                    SOFFset => 0,

Data::Diver is a module for accessing nested structures using paths. Data::Diver是一个使用路径访问嵌套结构的模块。

use Data::Diver 'DiveVal';

my $device_settings_rf = {};
my @path = ( 'BB', 'EUTRA', 'DL', 'PLCI', 'CID' );
DiveVal( $device_settings_rf, \(@path) ) = 99;

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