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[英]In unit testing, how to Assert if result is Guid?

I am working on unit testing using visual studio unit test framework 我正在使用Visual Studio单元测试框架进行单元测试

In my unit test method, I want to assert if the result is a Guid like 在我的单元测试方法中,我想断言结果是否是类似的Guid

3C99A192-9844-4174-AC32-91976A5F2CBF . 3C99A192-9844-4174-AC32-91976A5F2CBF

Currently, I have come up with this. 目前,我已经提出了这个。 But I am sure there will be a better way to handle this. 但是我相信会有更好的方法来解决这个问题。

public void CreateAppointment_Should_Return_Guid()
  string result = CreateAppointment();
  Guid guidResult;
  if (Guid.TryParse(result.GuestId, guidResult))

Why not shorter one? 为什么不矮一个? TryParse returns bool. TryParse返回布尔值。

Guid guidResult;
Assert.IsTrue(Guid.TryParse(result.GuestId, out guidResult));

your idea seems to be legit. 您的想法似乎合法。 You are checking if string parses to guid, so you can tell if string is valid guid. 您正在检查字符串是否解析为guid,因此可以判断字符串是否为有效的guid。


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