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[英]stacked barplot based color

I would like to have a stacked barplot like 1 but where the color is different for each bar such as in 2 with the stack line. 我想有一个类似1的堆积条形图,但是每个条形的颜色都不同,例如2在堆积线中。

barplot(x,legend=c('part1','part2','part3','part4'), col=rainbow(10))


I don't know how to do this in base graphics. 我不知道如何在基本图形中执行此操作。 But if you are willing to use ggplot2 , it's pretty easy to do. 但是,如果您愿意使用ggplot2 ,那就很容易做到。 You can for example use the transparency and the color as two distinct things you would like to change. 例如,您可以将透明度和颜色用作您要更改的两个不同的东西。 Here's the code I used. 这是我使用的代码。

# defining the data
df <- data.frame(x=factor(rep(1:ncol(x), each=nrow(x))), 
                 part=factor(paste0("part", 1:nrow(x)), levels=paste0("part", nrow(x):1)))
# ggplot call...
ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=x, alpha=part)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  theme_bw(base_size=30) + 
  scale_x_discrete(name="", breaks=NULL) +
  scale_y_continuous(name="") +
  scale_fill_discrete(name="", guide="none") +
  scale_alpha_discrete(name="", range=c(.3,1))

This gives you the following figure. 这给您下图。 在此处输入图片说明

Of course you can then change the colors and transparencies at will. 当然,您可以随意更改颜色和透明胶片。 Just change the scale_alpha_discrete and scale_fill_discrete function calls. 只需更改scale_alpha_discretescale_fill_discrete函数调用即可。

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