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[英]Adding item to ArrayList in different class

For an assignment I have to make a Java application and one of the functions I'm having a problem with is adding to an ArrayList . 对于一项任务,我必须制作一个Java应用程序,而我遇到问题的功能之一是添加到ArrayList The ArrayList is in a different class then the method and I get a nullpointer (doesn't happen when I make it static). ArrayList与方法位于不同的类中,并且我得到了一个空指针(将其设为静态时不会发生)。

This is the code where I'm trying to add: 这是我要添加的代码:

if (e.getSource() == voegToe) {
   if (naam.equals("") || straat.equals("") || huisnummer.equals("")
                || postcode.equals("") || plaats.equals("")
                || telefoonnummer.equals("") || email.equals("")) {

            allesoke = false;
            foutmelding += "\n";

  if (allesoke == true) {
      Klant newKlant = new Klant (naam, postcode, huisnummer);
  } else {
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, foutmelding, "Foutmelding",
            JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null);

And this is part of the code of the class with the ArrayList : 这是ArrayList类的代码的一部分:

public class Klantenbinding {
private String naam;
protected List<Klant> alleKlanten = new ArrayList<Klant> ();

// klanten
public void voegKlantToe(Klant nweKlant) {

    if (!heeftKlant(nweKlant.getNaam())) {
    public boolean heeftKlant(String naam) {
    boolean b = false;
    for (Klant k : alleKlanten) {
        if (k.getNaam() == naam) {
            b = true;
    return b;

The nullpointer comes from the line: 空指针来自以下行:


public class KlantToevoegen extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
JFrame frame;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private JButton voegToe, terug;
private JPanel contentPane;
private JTextField nmTf, strTf, hnrTf, pcTf, plTf, telnrTf, emailTf;
private JLabel lblAanhef, lblNaam, lblStraat, lblNieuweKlantToevoegen,
        lblHuisnr, lblPostcode, lblPlaats, lblTelnr, lblEmail;
private JComboBox aanhefBox;
private Klantenbinding klantenBindingRef;
private AutoToevoegenFrame autoToevoegenFrameRef;
private JSeparator separator;
private JSeparator separator_1;

 * Launch the application.

Did you try importing the class with the ArrayList in it? 您是否尝试导入其中包含ArrayList的类? (can't comment yet) (尚无法评论)


Try comparing your strings in this way to avoid NPE 尝试以这种方式比较字符串以避免NPE

if ("".equals(naam) || "".equals(straat) || ...) {
    allesoke = false;
    foutmelding += "\n";

then verify that klantenBindingRef is instantiated before access to his variables 然后验证klantenBindingRef已实例化,然后再访问其变量

//klantenBindingRef is null
klantenBindingRef = new Klantenbinding();

initialize your varibale klantenBindingRef before use klantenBindingRef = new Klantenbinding(); 在使用klantenBindingRef = new Klantenbinding();之前初始化您的变量klantenBindingRef klantenBindingRef = new Klantenbinding();

if( klantenBindingRef == null ) 
    klantenBindingRef = new Klantenbinding();

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