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[英]php set username and password

I've been trying to set up a login system, but can't set my username and password. 我一直在尝试设置登录系统,但是无法设置用户名和密码。

$user = “u1”;
$password = “p1”;
if ($_POST[‘username’] == $user ) &&
    ($_POST[‘password’] == $password) {
    echo welcome.php;
else echo you have entered the wrong credentials.

This is only for illustrative purposes and to answer this question, but understand this is not a secure system and should not be used ANYWHERE EVER near a production environment! 这仅仅是用于说明目的,回答这个问题,但明白这不是一个安全的系统,不应该在任何地方使用附近的生产环境!

I think it might be an issue with how you've set up your if and else statements, as well as you having a syntax error with the echo statement. 我认为这可能与您如何设置ifelse语句以及echo语句存在语法错误有关。 Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

$user = 'u1';
$password = 'p1';
if ($_POST['username'] == $user  && $_POST['password'] == $password) {
  echo 'successfully logged in'; // changed to just show successful message
} else {
  echo 'you have entered the wrong credentials.'; // Placed quotes around echo statement

It seems to be quotation and bracket problem. 看来是引号和括号问题。 This should hopefully work for you: 希望这对您有用:

    $user = "u1";
    $password = "p1";
    if (($_POST['username'] == $user ) && ($_POST['password'] == $password)) {
        echo welcome.php;
    else echo "you have entered the wrong credentials".

Replace 更换

if ($_POST[‘username’] == $user ) && ($_POST[‘password’] == $password) {


if (($_POST[‘username’] == $user ) && ($_POST[‘password’] == $password)) {

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