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[英]PHP Username/Password Security

I'm creating a login script for a website I'm developing. 我正在为正在开发的网站创建登录脚本。 At the moment I have the usernames and passwords hard-coded into the script. 目前,我已经将用户名和密码硬编码到了脚本中。 ie

$usersAndPasses = array(
    'username1' => 'password1',
    'username2' => 'password2'

and so on 等等

I was wondering if this is any less secure than placing them in a MySQL database. 我想知道这是否比将它们放在MySQL数据库中更不安全。

Thanks 谢谢


Not less secure ... unless of course there is file injection. 不少安全...当然,除非有文件注入。 However, it will also be a lot slower than querying the database if you have lots of members (which you would currently have to add in manually). 然而,它也将会比查询数据库,如果你有很多成员(你目前必须手动添加)慢了许多

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