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为什么不是heapsort lg(n!)?

[英]Why isn't heapsort lg(n!)?

I'm reading CLRS and it says heapsort is 我正在阅读CLRS,它说的是heapsort

for (i = A.length; i >= 1; i++)
    exchange A[1] with A[i];
    A.heap-size = A.heap-size - 1; 

MAX_HEAPIFY is O(lg n) . MAX_HEAPIFY是O(lg n) The book says it runs MAX-HEAPIFY n times thus it is O(n lg n) time. 该书说它运行MAX-HEAPIFY n次,因此它是O(n lg n)时间。

But if the heap is shrinking in size by 1 each iteration shouldn't it be O(lg n!) ? 但是如果堆的大小缩小了1,那么每次迭代都不应该是O(lg n!)

It would be lg 1 + lg 2 ... + lg(n-1) + lg (n) = lg(n!) , right ? 它将是lg 1 + lg 2 ... + lg(n-1) + lg (n) = lg(n!) ,对吗?

Actually it's Stirling's Approximation : 实际上这是斯特林的近似值

O( log(n!) ) = O(nlogn) O( log(n!) ) = O(nlogn)

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