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Python 模拟单元测试和数据库

[英]Python Mock UnitTest and Database

I want to stub out a database call when I test a method I have in my code.当我测试我的代码中的方法时,我想存根数据库调用。 All I want it to do is return me values but I cannot seem to get that far.我想要它做的就是返回我的价值,但我似乎无法走那么远。

def loadSummary(appModel):
    stmt = 'Select * from Table'
    for row in appModel.session.query(*t.columnNames()).from_statement(stmt).all():
    return t

def test_loadSummary(self):
    appModel = Mock()
    query = appModel.session.query.return_value
    query.from_statment.return_value = ['test1', 'test2']
    expected = loadSummary(appModel)

I get the following error我收到以下错误

for row in appModel.session.query(*t.columnNames()).from_statement(stmt).all():
TypeError: 'Mock' object is not iterable

So its like its not getting passed into the method at all even though it works in the shell no problem.所以它就像它根本没有被传递到方法中,即使它在 shell 中工作也没有问题。

>>> appModel.session.query('').from_statment('stmt')
['test1', 'test2']

I then tried using mock.patch.object然后我尝试使用 mock.patch.object

class MockAppContoller(object):
    def from_from_statement(self, stmt):
        return ['test1', 'test2']

def test_loadSummary(self):
    with mock.patch.object(loadSummary, 'appModel') as mock_appModel:
        mock_appModel.return_value = MockAppContoller()

I get the following error我收到以下错误

2014-04-09 13:20:53,276 root ERROR Code failed with error:
<function loadSummary at 0x0D814AF0> does not have the attribute 'appModel'

How can I get around this problem?我怎样才能解决这个问题?

Your error appears to be here:您的错误似乎在这里:

 query.from_statment.return_value = ['test1', 'test2']

Should be:应该:

 query.from_statement.return_value.all.return_value = ['test1', 'test2']

It works in the shell for you because you aren't using the same code它在 shell 中为您工作,因为您没有使用相同的代码

>>> appModel.session.query('').from_statement('stmt')
['test1', 'test2']

Would fail if you actually tried如果你真的尝试过会失败

>>> appModel.session.query('').from_statment('stmt').all()
['test1', 'test2']

Another solution I came up with was this but its not as neat as using Mock我想出的另一个解决方案是这个,但它不像使用 Mock 那样整洁

class mockAppModel(object):
    def from_from_statement(self, stmt):       
        t = []
        t.appendRow('row1', 'row2')
        return t

class mockFromStmt(object): #This is the ONE parameter constructor
    def __init__(self):
        self._all = mockAppModel()

    def all(self):  #This is the needed all method
        return self._all.from_from_statement('')

class mockQuery(object): #This is the ONE parameter constructor
    def __init__(self):
        self._from_statement = mockFromStmt()

    def from_statement(self, placeHolder): #This is used to mimic the query.from_statement() call
        return self._from_statement 

class mockSession(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._query = mockQuery()

    def query(self, *args):  #This is used to mimic the session.query call
        return self._query

class mockAppModel(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.session = mockSession()

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