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Java Web服务的C#解析响应

[英]C# Parsing Response of a Java Web Service

I am calling a Java WebLogic web service from my .Net application. 我正在从.Net应用程序调用Java WebLogic Web服务。 I have added a service reference to the jws service. 我已将服务引用添加到jws服务。

The service can be called fine and I can see the response in Fiddler, however the problem is that the propery listOfHolds is coming as null although I can see a list of holds in the XML of the response. 可以将服务称为罚款,并且可以在Fiddler中看到响应,但是问题是,尽管我可以在响应的XML中看到保留列表,但listOfHolds即将listOfHolds null。

Here is the code for calling 这是调用代码

holdsList result = proxy.viewHoldsList(request.AccountNo);
int noOfHolds = result.NumberOfHolds; // This value is read fine
object[] holds = result.listOfHolds; // This is coming as Null despite the values in the response

Here is the response XML as captured by Fiddler 这是Fiddler捕获的响应XML

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <work:WorkContext xmlns:work="http://oracle.com/weblogic/soap/workarea/">rO0...AAA</work:WorkContext>
        <ns0:viewHoldsListResponse xmlns:ns0="http://www.openuri.org/">
                    <ns0:item xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns0:holdDetails">
                        <ns0:Description>For testing</ns0:Description>
                    <ns0:item xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns0:holdDetails">

I have faced a similar problem before and the problem was a missing xmlns attribute on one of the tags. 我之前也遇到过类似的问题,问题是其中一个标记缺少xmlns属性。 In this case I am suspecting the extra <ns0:xsiType>HoldDetails</ns0:xsiType> tag that is coming under the <ns0:item> tag. 在这种情况下,我怀疑<ns0:item>标记下有多余的<ns0:xsiType>HoldDetails</ns0:xsiType> <ns0:item>标记。

Update Even after the web service provider removed the extra <xsiType> tag, I am unable to read the listOfHolds . 更新即使Web服务提供商删除了多余的<xsiType>标记之后,我也无法读取listOfHolds

My questions are: 我的问题是:

  • Can I do anything in my .Net code so that I get the intended value for listOfHolds ? 我可以在.Net代码中执行任何操作,以便获得listOfHolds的预期值吗?
  • Can I suggest any change to the owner of the Java web service? 我可以建议对Java Web服务的所有者进行任何更改吗?
  • [Optional] Why NumberOfHolds is being successfully read from the response but not listOfHolds ? [可选]为什么从响应中成功读取了NumberOfHolds而不是listOfHolds

The vendor of the web service has made a change. Web服务的供应商进行了更改。 They changed xsi:type="ns0:holdDetails" to xsi:type="ns0:HoldDetails" (H instead of h). 他们将xsi:type="ns0:holdDetails"更改为xsi:type="ns0:HoldDetails" (用H代替h)。

The point is in Java, and unlike .Net as far as I can tell, they have a control over the generated XML from the web service. 关键是在Java中,据我所知,与.Net不同,它们可以控制从Web服务生成的XML。

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