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增加 Sublime 侧栏中文本的字体大小

[英]Increase the font size of text in Sublime side bar

I would like to increase the font size of the left side bar in Sublime Text 3. I can't seem to find a good way to do this.我想在 Sublime Text 3 中增加左侧栏的字体大小。我似乎找不到这样做的好方法。 I am using the default theme, and am on Mac.我正在使用默认主题,并且在 Mac 上。

Does anyone have a suggestion?有人有建议吗? I don't want to install a custom theme, but would just like to increase the font size of the side bar.我不想安装自定义主题,但只想增加侧栏的字体大小。


You will need to edit the .sublime-theme file to do this.您需要编辑.sublime-theme文件来执行此操作。 Unfortunately, in Sublime Text 3 this file is contained in a zipped .sublime-package file, so you'll need to extract that first.不幸的是,在 Sublime Text 3 中,这个文件包含在一个压缩的.sublime-package文件中,所以你需要先解压它。 Install the PackageResourceViewer plugin via Package Control, then hit Shift P and type prv to bring up the PackageResourceViewer options.通过 Package Control 安装PackageResourceViewer插件,然后按 Shift P并键入prv以显示 PackageResourceViewer 选项。 Select Open Resource , scroll down to Theme - Default , hit Enter , scroll down to Default.sublime-theme , and hit Enter again to open it.选择Open Resource ,向下滚动到Theme - Default按 Enter ,向下滚动到Default.sublime-theme ,然后再次按Enter打开它。

Next, search for sidebar_label and modify the first one (on line 362) to look like this (it needs to be valid JSON):接下来,搜索sidebar_label并将第一个(第 362 行)修改为如下所示(它需要是有效的 JSON):

    "class": "sidebar_label",
    "color": [0, 0, 0],
    "font.bold": false,
    "font.italic": false, // <-- add comma
    "font.size": 14 // <-- new line
    // , "shadow_color": [250, 250, 250], "shadow_offset": [0, 0]

Save the file, and you should see the sidebar font size change.保存文件,您应该会看到侧边栏字体大小发生变化。 You can change 14 to whatever size you want, depending on your personal preferences.您可以将14更改为您想要的任何尺寸,具体取决于您的个人喜好。

Thanks for this, just to add that, with sublime text 3 at least, i needed to modify the theme I use.谢谢你,补充一点,至少使用 sublime text 3,我需要修改我使用的主题。 eg Flatland Dark.sublime-theme例如Flatland Dark.sublime-theme

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