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Sublime Text 3 打开/关闭侧栏快捷方式

[英]Sublime Text 3 toggle on/of side bar shortcut

I want to have a shortcut for showing/hiding the side menu, because I mainly use sublime on a flipped monitor.我想有一个显示/隐藏侧边菜单的快捷方式,因为我主要在翻转显示器上使用 sublime。

I tried this but it doesn't work...我试过这个,但它不起作用......

{"keys": ["ctrl+alt+q"], "command": "show_side_bar"}


The command is actually toggle_side_bar .该命令实际上是toggle_side_bar

This can be discovered for any command or action by opening the console ( Ctrl ` ) and running这可以通过打开控制台( Ctrl ` )并运行来发现任何命令或操作


Run whichever commands you wish, and the command names along with any runtime parameters will show up in the console.运行您希望的任何命令,命令名称以及任何运行时参数将显示在控制台中。 When you're done, it's usually a good idea to run完成后,运行通常是个好主意


to avoid your console filling up with nonsense, such as every single key you press.避免您的控制台充满无意义的东西,例如您按下的每个键。

By the way, there already is a keyboard shortcut for showing and hiding the side bar: Ctrl K , Ctrl B .顺便说一下,已经有一个用于显示和隐藏侧栏的键盘快捷键: Ctrl KCtrl B。 That means hit Ctrl K , release them, then hit Ctrl B .这意味着点击Ctrl K ,释放它们,然后点击Ctrl B

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