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R Eclipse StatET-创建wordcloud会得到重叠的单词

[英]R Eclipse StatET - Creating wordcloud gets overlapped words

I'm trying to create a wordcloud using R in Eclipse. 我正在尝试在Eclipse中使用R创建wordcloud。 I've been working with R for some weeks without any problem and I´ve created lots of different plots, but when creating the wordcloud, any kind of them and using different configurations, I always get the wordcloud with all the words overlapped. 我使用R已有数周没有任何问题,并且创建了许多不同的图,但是当创建wordcloud,任何形式的单词并使用不同的配置时,我总是得到所有单词都重叠的wordcloud。

I've followed different examples and I always get the words overlapped. 我遵循了不同的示例,并且总是使单词重叠。 For example, if I execute this code: 例如,如果我执行以下代码:


wordcloud("May our children and our children's children to a
            thousand generations, continue to enjoy the benefits conferred
            upon us by a united country, and have cause yet to rejoice under
            those glorious institutions bequeathed us by Washington and his

I get this result: 我得到这个结果:

As you can see, all the words are overlapped and I don´t know what to do. 如您所见,所有单词都是重叠的,我不知道该怎么办。 I've search a lot on the Internet and I didn't get any clue. 我在互联网上搜索了很多东西,但没有任何线索。

The arguments within the wordcloud package includes: wordcloud软件包中的参数包括:

" use.r.layout - if false, then c++ code is used for collision detection, otherwise R is used" -Documentation for Wordcloud package. use.r.layout如果为false,则将c ++代码用于碰撞检测,否则使用R” -Wordcloud软件包的文档。

There may be some difficulty with Eclipse and the usage of R vs. C++. Eclipse和R vs. C ++的使用可能会有些困难。 As I am unsure as to the default of Wordcloud try toggling the argument between TRUE and FALSE . 由于我不确定Wordcloud的默认值, Wordcloud尝试在TRUEFALSE之间切换参数。

eg Wordcloud("Corpus",use.r.layout=TRUE,colors=brewer.pal(6,"Dark2"),random.order=FALSE) 例如, Wordcloud("Corpus",use.r.layout=TRUE,colors=brewer.pal(6,"Dark2"),random.order=FALSE)

I got this problem after adding the command 添加命令后出现此问题


Disabling this directive made wordclouds work fine again. 禁用此指令可使wordclouds再次正常工作。 I am using Jupyter Notebook with R kernel 我正在将Jupyter Notebook与R内核一起使用

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