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如何使用 vim 脚本将文本附加到文件?

[英]How do I append text to a file with vim script?

I want a function to append text to a file (not a buffer) in vim.我想要一个函数将文本附加到 vim 中的文件(不是缓冲区)。 As far as I can see, there is no appendfile() .据我所知,没有appendfile() But the desired functionality can be emulated with readfile() and writefile() :但是可以使用readfile()writefile()模拟所需的功能:

fu! TQ84_log (S)

   let l:f = readfile('my.log')
   call add(l:f, a:S)
   call writefile(l:f, 'my.log')


Since my.log can grow quite large, I'd rather not read and write the entire file when I want to add a line.由于my.log可能会变得非常大,当我想添加一行时,我宁愿不读取和写入整个文件。 So, I came up with another "solution":所以,我想出了另一个“解决方案”:

fu! TQ84_log (S)
   silent execute "!echo " . a:S . ">> my.log"    

This works (on windows, that is) as expected.这按预期工作(在 Windows 上)。 Yet, when I invoke TQ84_log() , that cmd.exe window pops up for a short time.然而,当我调用TQ84_log() ,那个cmd.exe窗口会弹出一小段时间。 This is a bit distracting.这有点让人分心。

Is there a better solution for my problem?我的问题有更好的解决方案吗?

If you have a range of lines in your current buffer that you want to append to the log file, then如果当前缓冲区中有一系列要附加到日志文件的行,则

:[range]w >> my.log

does exactly what you want.做你想要的。 (Well, maybe not exactly. For example, it has the side effect of making my.log the alternate file, and if you plan to use :e# or something, it may mess you up.) (好吧,也许不完全是。例如,它具有将my.log备用文件的my.log ,如果您打算使用:e#或其他东西,它可能会让您一团糟。)

If you already have the log message in a variable, then you could open up a scratch buffer, use append() or :put to add the line(s) to your scratch buffer, then :w >> my.log and close the scratch buffer.如果您已经在一个变量中有日志消息,那么您可以打开一个临时缓冲区,使用append():put将行添加到您的临时缓冲区,然后:w >> my.log并关闭暂存缓冲区。

:help special-buffers
:help :put
:help :w

Here is a complete log function.这里有一个完整的日志功能。 There is room for improvement: the combination of :new and :q may not restore the layout if you have split windows, and :put on an empty buffer leaves you with a blank line that you probably do not want.有改进的余地:如果您有拆分窗口, :new:q的组合可能无法恢复布局,并且:put在空缓冲区上:put您留下一个您可能不想要的空行。

function! Mylog(message, file)
  setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile nobuflisted
  execute 'w >>' a:file

According to :help writefile() :根据:help writefile()

When {flags} contains "a" then append mode is used, lines are
appended to the file: >
    :call writefile(["foo"], "event.log", "a")
    :call writefile(["bar"], "event.log", "a")

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