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正在运行太多的Google App Engine实例?

[英]Too many instances of Google App Engine running?

I'm working on a project that has both a frontend and backend in Google App Engine, using modules. 我正在使用模块在Google App Engine中同时具有前端和后端的项目中工作。 I'm getting contradicting information from my admin console, namely in my quota usage. 我从管理控制台获得的信息相互矛盾,即配额使用情况。

On one hand, when I look at the currently running instances in the "Instances" section of the "Main" section, I see only one running instance (for both front and backend, with recent requests on both) 一方面,当我在“主要”部分的“实例”部分中查看当前正在运行的实例时,我仅看到一个正在运行的实例(对于前端和后端,两者都具有最近的请求)

However, when looking at the instances graph for both modules, the graph indicates that up to 4 instances have been started up (front and back). 但是,当查看两个模块的实例图时,该图表明最多已启动4个实例(正面和背面)。 The quota usage also reflects this, as I'm eating the quota 4 times faster than usual. 配额使用情况也反映了这一点,因为我的配额消耗比平时快4倍。

The front end module is configured as threadsafe=true and automatic scaling (default). 前端模块配置为threadsafe = true和自动缩放(默认)。 The back end module is also threadsafe and is set with basic_scaling with a max_instances: 1 后端模块也是线程安全的,并通过basic_scaling设置为max_instances:1

For the backend specifically, there were never concurrent requests made to it. 特别是对于后端,从来没有并发请求。 Only a few different requests within a 10 minute timeframe. 在10分钟内只有几个不同的请求。 Each request was completed long before the next one was called. 每个请求都在调用下一个请求之前很久就完成了。

Am I misunderstanding something in the instance concept of GAE? 我在GAE实例概念中是否误解了?

Note: I'm aware of the 15 minute penalty 注意:我知道15分钟的处罚

This is probably because you have set your modules to use instance classes higher than the default of B1/F1. 这可能是因为您已将模块设置为使用高于默认值B1 / F1的实例类。 See the documentation on instance classes : 请参阅有关实例类的文档

When you are billed for instance hours, you will not see any instance classes in your billing line items. 当您按实例小时数计费时,您在计费订单项中将看不到任何实例类。 Instead, you will see the appropriate multiple of instance hours. 相反,您将看到适当的实例小时数。 For example, if you use an F4 instance for one hour, you do not see "F4" listed, but you will see billing for four instance hours at the F1 rate. 例如,如果您使用一个F4实例一小时,则不会看到列出的“ F4”,但是您将看到以F1费率计算四个实例小时的计费。

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