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[英]SimpleXML to get specific data from an XML file

I am making a plugin for JomSocial that will display billing information for a logged-in user, based on an XML file. 我正在为JomSocial制作一个插件,该插件将基于XML文件显示已登录用户的账单信息。 I have made good headway creating the plugin, I just cant seem to get the syntax right to create php statements so I can populate data in various places on the page. 我在创建插件方面进展顺利,我似乎无法正确地创建php语句的语法,因此可以在页面上的各个位置填充数据。 Here is the XML file: 这是XML文件:

<startTime><![CDATA[4/15/2014 11:09 PM]]></startTime>
<endTime><![CDATA[4/15/2014 11:12 PM]]></endTime>
<MemberId ID="0ESING">
<MemberId ID="F00421">

Here is the PHP so far: 到目前为止,这是PHP:

$user =& CFactory::getRequestUser();
$cuser = CFactory::getUser();  
$owner = CFactory::getUser($row->user->id); 
$ptype = $cuser->getProfileType();
$billingid = $owner->getInfo('FIELD_BILLINGID');
$lastname = $owner->getInfo('FIELD_FAMILYNAME');
$uname = $cuser->username;
$memid = $cuser->id;
$name = $cuser->getDisplayName();
$isMine = COwnerHelper::isMine($cuser->id, $user->id);
$config = CFactory::getConfig();

$source = file_get_contents('data/201404.xml');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($source);
$balance = $xml->Billing->MemberId->BillingInfo->BalanceDue;
$BalanceForward = $xml->Billing->MemberId->BillingInfo->BalanceForward;
$Payments = $xml->Billing->MemberId->BillingInfo->Payments;

if( $isMine ) {
    if($ptype == '2') { 

    if(strcasecmp($uname, $billingid) == 0) {

Then, in page to call the fields: 然后,在页面中调用字段:

<?php echo "<div>Balance Due: $". $balance ." | Balance Forward: $" . $BalanceForward . " | Payment: $" . $Payments . "</div>"; ?>

This pulls in the first record of the XML file. 这将获取XML文件的第一条记录。 I was trying something like this for hours: 我试了几个小时是这样的:

$source = file_get_contents('data/201404.xml');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($source);
$balance = $xml->Billing->MemberId[.$uname.]->BillingInfo->BalanceDue;
$BalanceForward = $xml->Billing->MemberId[.$uname.]->BillingInfo->BalanceForward;
$Payments = $xml->Billing->MemberId[.$uname.]->BillingInfo->Payments;

to no avail. 无济于事。 I would like to 'pull' the child node from the XML where the MemberId ID= "yadayada" is equal to the $uname. 我想从MemberId ID =“ yadayada”等于$ uname的XML中“拉”子节点。 I hope I am being clear, this is my first post on Stackoverflow! 我希望我很清楚,这是我关于Stackoverflow的第一篇文章!

Why are you not using simplexml_load_file() instead? 为什么不使用simplexml_load_file()? It saves you the hassle in loading the file manually and putting it in a simplexml_element instead. 它为您省去了手动加载文件并将其放入simplexml_element的麻烦。 Furthermore, I think your issues arrise because the XML file itself is invalid, it need 1 root element but instead seems to contain zero (or multiple, depends on how one would read the file). 此外,我认为您的问题浮出水面,因为XML文件本身是无效的,它需要1个根元素,但似乎包含零个(或多个,取决于一个人如何读取文件)。

Using the square bracket notation accesses the attribute by it's name, so you are asking for member[0ESING] which isn't right because the attribute is named ID . 使用方括号表示法可以通过名称访问属性,因此您需要的是member[0ESING] ,因为该属性名为ID ,所以member[0ESING]

You can iterate of the members to find the match like so: 您可以像这样迭代成员以找到匹配项:

foreach($xml->Billing->MemberId as $member){
    if($member['ID'] == $uname){
        $balance = $member->BillingInfo->BalanceDue;
        $BalanceForward = $member->BillingInfo->BalanceForward;
        $Payments = $member->BillingInfo->Payments;

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