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[英]Upload files Using Ajax, Jquery and Struts2

Hi can any one please tell me how to upload files using ajax, jquery and Struts2. 大家好,请告诉我如何使用Ajax,jquery和Struts2上传文件。 I have gone through the lot of tutorials in the net but i didn't get any possible solution. 我在网上浏览了很多教程,但没有任何可能的解决方案。 The requirement is when ever we click on the button the javascript function need to be called.The javascript(jquery) initiate the Ajax engine and ajax need to call the struts action to get the response. 要求是每当我们单击该按钮时,都需要调用javascript函数。javascript(jquery)启动Ajax引擎,而ajax需要调用struts动作来获取响应。 Here the request and response is without refresh the page and without using the IFrames. 在这里,请求和响应不会刷新页面,也不会使用IFrame。

I use iframe to submit my data without refresh. 我使用iframe提交数据而无需刷新。

i) My html is as follows : 我)我的HTML如下:

1) Add form tag. 1)添加表单标签。 // You can just copy paste my form tag just change the action //您只需复制粘贴我的表单标签即可,只需更改操作即可

2) Add target="my_iframe" // The iframe name.. it can be anything 2)添加target =“ my_iframe” // iframe名称..可以是任何东西

              <div class="bp_up_input">
                 <form name="banner_image_uploads"  id="banner_image_uploads" method="post" action="" target="my_iframe" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                        <input type="file" name="banner_image" class="my_vld" lang="Image_path" />
                        <input type="button" id="banner_image_upload" value="Upload" class="bp_button_style" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="slt_store_id" value="" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="sld_location" value="" />

ii) My javascript code is a follows : ii)我的JavaScript代码如下:


         if($.trim($('input[name="banner_image"]').val()) != '' && $.trim($('select[name="bp_location"]').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#store_names').val()) != ''){
             $("iframe").remove(); //Remove previous iframe if present

             $("body").append('<iframe id="my_iframe" name="my_iframe" src="" style="display:none;"></iframe>'); //Append iframe to body with id my_iframe

             $('#banner_image_uploads').submit();//submit the form with id banner_image_uploads


                    var val = $("iframe")[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML; // I use php so I just echo the response which I want to send e.g 250:new and save it in var val.

                    var data = val.split(':'); // I split the variable by :

                    var html = '<tr><td><img width="800" height="60" border="0" src="/assets/store_banners/live/'+$.trim($('input[name="sld_location"]').val())+'/'+data[1]+'" id="'+data[0]+'"><a href="#nodo"><img src="/images/delete_trash.png" width="9" height="12" class="image_delete" style="padding-left:37%;"/></a></td></tr>';   // In my case I wanted to upload an image so on success I had to show the image which was uploaded. You can skip this and the below code if you want. 

                   $('.bp_table tbody').append(html); //Append the uploaded image to the container I wanted.

                    $('input[name="banner_image"]').val(''); //On success I clear the file name 

             alert('Please Select filters'); 


Hi the below code is working for me. 嗨,下面的代码为我工作。 I hope it will help you. 希望对您有帮助。

JSP Code: JSP代码:

<div id="uploadImg">
     <s:form id="uploadImgForm" action="strutsaction" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <s:file name="imgFileUpload" label="Choose file to upload" accept="image/*"></s:file>
            <s:submit value="Upload" align="center" id="uploadImgSubmitBtn"></s:submit>

JQuery: jQuery的:


    // Get form
    var form = $('#uploadImgForm')[0];

    // Create an FormData object
    var data = new FormData(form);

        type: "POST",
        enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
        url: "strutsaction.action",
        data : data,
        cache: false,
        processData: false,
        contentType: false,
        success: function(data){

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