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[英]Upload files Using Ajax, Jquery and Struts2

大家好,請告訴我如何使用Ajax,jquery和Struts2上傳文件。 我在網上瀏覽了很多教程,但沒有任何可能的解決方案。 要求是每當我們單擊該按鈕時,都需要調用javascript函數。javascript(jquery)啟動Ajax引擎,而ajax需要調用struts動作來獲取響應。 在這里,請求和響應不會刷新頁面,也不會使用IFrame。



1)添加表單標簽。 //您只需復制粘貼我的表單標簽即可,只需更改操作即可

2)添加target =“ my_iframe” // iframe名稱..可以是任何東西

              <div class="bp_up_input">
                 <form name="banner_image_uploads"  id="banner_image_uploads" method="post" action="" target="my_iframe" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                        <input type="file" name="banner_image" class="my_vld" lang="Image_path" />
                        <input type="button" id="banner_image_upload" value="Upload" class="bp_button_style" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="slt_store_id" value="" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="sld_location" value="" />



         if($.trim($('input[name="banner_image"]').val()) != '' && $.trim($('select[name="bp_location"]').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#store_names').val()) != ''){
             $("iframe").remove(); //Remove previous iframe if present

             $("body").append('<iframe id="my_iframe" name="my_iframe" src="" style="display:none;"></iframe>'); //Append iframe to body with id my_iframe

             $('#banner_image_uploads').submit();//submit the form with id banner_image_uploads


                    var val = $("iframe")[0].contentDocument.body.innerHTML; // I use php so I just echo the response which I want to send e.g 250:new and save it in var val.

                    var data = val.split(':'); // I split the variable by :

                    var html = '<tr><td><img width="800" height="60" border="0" src="/assets/store_banners/live/'+$.trim($('input[name="sld_location"]').val())+'/'+data[1]+'" id="'+data[0]+'"><a href="#nodo"><img src="/images/delete_trash.png" width="9" height="12" class="image_delete" style="padding-left:37%;"/></a></td></tr>';   // In my case I wanted to upload an image so on success I had to show the image which was uploaded. You can skip this and the below code if you want. 

                   $('.bp_table tbody').append(html); //Append the uploaded image to the container I wanted.

                    $('input[name="banner_image"]').val(''); //On success I clear the file name 

             alert('Please Select filters'); 


嗨,下面的代碼為我工作。 希望對您有幫助。


<div id="uploadImg">
     <s:form id="uploadImgForm" action="strutsaction" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <s:file name="imgFileUpload" label="Choose file to upload" accept="image/*"></s:file>
            <s:submit value="Upload" align="center" id="uploadImgSubmitBtn"></s:submit>



    // Get form
    var form = $('#uploadImgForm')[0];

    // Create an FormData object
    var data = new FormData(form);

        type: "POST",
        enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
        url: "strutsaction.action",
        data : data,
        cache: false,
        processData: false,
        contentType: false,
        success: function(data){


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