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[英]Match number within list of different length vectors

I want to match a number within a list containing vector of different lengths. 我想匹配包含不同长度向量的列表中的数字。 Still my solution (below) doesn't match anything beyond the first item of each vector. 仍然我的解决方案(如下)与每个向量的第一项都不匹配。

seq_ <- seq(1:10)
list_ <- list(seq_[1:3], seq_[4:7], seq_[8:10])
#  [[1]]
#  [1] 1 2 3
#  [[2]]
#  [1] 4 5 6 7
# [[3]]
#  [1]  8  9 10


for (i in seq_) {
# [1] 1
# [1] NA
# [1] NA
# [1] 3
# [1] NA
# [1] NA
# [1] NA
# [1] NA
# [1] NA
# [1] NA

In the general case, you probably will be happier with which , as in 在一般情况下,您可能会更喜欢which ,例如

EDIT: rewrote to show the full looping over values. 编辑:重写以显示完整的循环值。

seq_ <- seq(1:10)
list_ <- list(seq_[1:3], seq_[4:7], seq_[8:10])
    for( j in 1:length(list_)) {
       matchlist[[j]] <-  unlist(sapply(seq_, function(k) which(list_[[j]]==k) ))

That will return the locations of all matches. 这将返回所有匹配项的位置。 It's probably more clear what's happening if you create an input like my.list <- list(sample(1:10,4,replace=TRUE), sample(1:10,7,replace=TRUE)) 如果创建类似my.list <- list(sample(1:10,4,replace=TRUE), sample(1:10,7,replace=TRUE))的输入,可能更清楚了。 my.list <- list(sample(1:10,4,replace=TRUE), sample(1:10,7,replace=TRUE))

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