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[英]Turn list of different length vectors into a `tibble`

I currently have a list of character vectors that are different lengths. 我目前有一个不同长度的字符向量列表。 Like this: 像这样:

  c('this is a list','that is length 2')

I'd like to combine all the elements of each vector in the list into a single row in a tibble . 我想在列表中的每个向量的所有元素组合成一个单一的行中的tibble Like this: 像这样:

data_frame(column_1 =
             c('this is first',
               'this is second it longer',
               'this is a list that is length 2'))

I'd like to use base R or packages from the tidyverse if possible. 我想尽可能使用base R或tidyverse软件包。

You can use purrr and stringr 您可以使用purrrstringr

x <- list(
  c('this is a list','that is length 2')

tibble(column1= map_chr(x, str_flatten, " "))

Note that str_flatten is new to stringr_1.3.0 请注意, str_flattenstr_flatten的新stringr_1.3.0

This could also be easily done with base R (no tidyverse functions) 使用基数R(没有tidyverse函数)也可以轻松完成此操作

data.frame(column1 = sapply(x, paste, collapse= " "))

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