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MS Excel VB将数据导出到文本文件

[英]MS Excel VB export data to text file

Is there a way using Excel macros in Windows to: 有没有一种方法可以在Windows中使用Excel宏来执行以下操作:

  1. Create .txt file name using value or content of a cell say A1 . 使用值或单元格内容(例如A1创建.txt文件名。 It could be alphanumeric. 它可以是字母数字。
  2. Then get Excel data from range column B, where the rows count varies. 然后从范围列B获取Excel数据,其中行数有所不同。 Should get only data not empty rows of column B. 应该只获取数据,而不是B列的空行。
  3. Save the text file on desktop, show message of exact location of file saved. 将文本文件保存在桌面上,显示保存文件确切位置的消息。
  4. Now as its saved, if macro is run again with same text file name, should replace the previous file if its name is same. 现在,保存宏后,如果再次使用相同的文本文件名运行宏,则应在名称相同的情况下替换之前的文件。
  5. The macro is run from another sheet in same workbook, not from the sheet which contains data. 宏从同一工作簿中的另一个工作表运行,而不是从包含数据的工作表运行。 Say Macro is from sheet1 and data is in sheet2 , the data contains quotes singe or double and pipe, which should not be affected on export. 说“宏”来自sheet1 ,数据位于sheet2 ,数据包含单引号,双引号和“管道”,这在导出时不会受到影响。
  6. And the clipboard should be cleared after export, as in this code. 并在导出后清除剪贴板,如以下代码所示。

Please suggest. 请提出建议。

Sub Export() 
    Dim rc As Variant 
    Dim s As String 

    s = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Hello World.txt" 

    MakeTXTFile s 

    rc = Shell("notepad " & s, 1) 
    Kill s 
End Sub 

Sub MakeTXTFile(filePath As String, str As String) 
    Dim hFile As Integer 
    If Dir(FolderPart(filePath), vbDirectory) = "" Then 
        MsgBox filePath, vbCritical, "Missing Folder" 
        Exit Sub 
    End If 

    hFile = FreeFile 
    Open filePath For Output As #hFile 
    If str <> "" Then Print #hFile, str 
    Close hFile 
End Sub 

Function FolderPart(sPath As String) As String 
    FolderPart = Left(sPath, InStrRev(sPath, "\")) 
End Function 

Function getClipboard() 
     'Add Reference:   'Reference: Microsoft Forms xx Object
    Dim MyData As DataObject 

    On Error Resume Next 
    Set MyData = New DataObject 
    getClipboard = MyData.GetText 
End Functionb

I used above code. 我用上面的代码。

The code shall be something like that: 代码应该是这样的:

Sub Export()
Dim rc As Variant
Dim s As String
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oFile As Object

If (ActiveSheet.Name <> "Sheet1") Then
    MsgBox ("Error: Wrong Sheet")
    Exit Sub
End If

s = MyDocs & "\" & Range("A1").Value & ".txt"
Set oFile = fso.CreateTextFile(s)

For Each xx In Range("B:B")
    If xx.Value <> "" Then oFile.WriteLine xx
Set fso = Nothing
Set oFile = Nothing

MsgBox ("Saved in: " & s)

rc = Shell("notepad " & s, 1)
'    Kill s
End Sub

It's not clear the point 6. I put a check, inside you can put what you want... 不清楚要点6。我放了一张支票,里面可以放你想要的东西...
In this code there isn't check for the filename 在此代码中,不检查文件名
Try to use the OLD method... 尝试使用OLD方法...

Dim rc As Variant
Dim s As String
Dim xx

If (ActiveSheet.Name <> "Sheet1") Then
    MsgBox ("Error: Wrong Sheet")
    Exit Sub
End If

s = MyDocs & "\" & Range("A1").Value & ".txt"
Open s For Output As #1
For Each xx In Range("B:B")
    If xx.Value <> "" Then Print #1, xx
Close #1

MsgBox ("Saved in: " & s)
rc = Shell("notepad " & s, 1)

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