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[英]export text file excel

I am trying to make a commandbutton that exports my table to a tab separated text file and add some dynamic headers to it. 我试图做一个命令按钮,将我的表导出到一个制表符分隔的文本文件,并向其中添加一些动态标题。 I want the headers to say: 1/x 2/x 3/x 4/x and so forth where x being the total amount of columns 我希望标题说:1 / x 2 / x 3 / x 4 / x,依此类推,其中x是列的总数

This is my code so far that I got from a website: 到目前为止,这是我从网站获得的代码:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim myFile As String, rng As Range, cellValue As Variant, i As Integer, j As   Integer

    myFile = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\projekt.txt"

    Set rng = Selection

    Open myFile For Output As #1

    For i = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
        For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count

            cellValue = rng.Cells(i, j).Value

            If j = rng.Columns.Count Then
                Write #1, cellValue
                Write #1, cellValue,
            End If

        Next j
    Next i

    Close #1
End Sub

The problem is this depends on me marking the filled cells for it to work, also it only produces comma separated text files, I want tab separated files without "". 问题是,这取决于我标记填充的单元格使其起作用,它也仅生成逗号分隔的文本文件,我希望使用制表符分隔的文件不包含“”。 Also it doesnt produce headers. 也不会产生标题。

1/5    2/5    3/5    4/5    5/5
x(total) rows
Data    Data    Data    Data    Data
Data    Data    Data    Data    Data
Data    Data    Data    Data    Data
Data    Data    Data    Data    Data

It only outputs selected cells because in your code you have at line 4 它仅输出选定的单元格,因为在代码中,您在第4行

Set rng = Selection

If you want to export always a specific range, example A1:E100, you can change this line to, 如果您要始终导出特定范围(例如A1:E100),则可以将此行更改为,

Set rng = Range("A1:E100")

If this range include the headers, then your export will also have headers. 如果此范围包括标头,则您的导出也将包含标头。

Second problem, 第二个问题

It is comma separated because you have 它用逗号分隔是因为

Write #1, cellValue,

To make it tab demilited, change this line to 要使其标签无效,请将此行更改为

Write #1, cellValue & vbTab

this should be the complete code for the write section, vbNewline implies the "new line" character (or vbCrLf also can), vbTab is the tab character 这应该是写部分的完整代码, vbNewline表示“换行”字符(或vbCrLf也可以), vbTab是制表符

If j = rng.Columns.Count Then
    Write #1, cellValue & vbNewLine
    Write #1, cellValue & vbTab
End If

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