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[英]using concatenation on c#

What is the correct way to concatenate these elements? 连接这些元素的正确方法是什么?

Environment: C#-WinForm-Desktop. 环境:C#-WinForm-Desktop。

In my app, I have a text file called config.ini . 在我的应用程序中,我有一个名为config.ini的文本文件。 This file has values with this nomenclature: 此文件的值具有以下术语:

csv_month_hour=value csv_month_hour =值

The data are thus: 因此,数据为:

csv_01_01=value // 24 hours a day in January
csv_02_01=value // 24 hours a day in February
// and so on

My app has this method called: 我的应用程序具有以下方法:

private void getMonthHour()
    DateTime Xdt = DateTime.Now;
    int Xmonth = Xdt.Month;
    int Xhour = Xdt.Hour;

    if (File.Exists("config.ini"))
        IniFile ini = new IniFile("config.ini");

        m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv["csv_" + Xmonth.ToString + "_" + Xhour.ToString]);

This method is called every seconds in timer_tick to check the month and time to use the corresponding value. timer_ticktimer_tick调用一次此方法,以检查月份和时间以使用相应的值。

I need to know how to concatenate this: m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv["csv_"+Xmonth.ToString+"_"+Xhour.ToString]); 我需要知道如何将其连接:m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv [“ csv _” + Xmonth.ToString +“ _” + Xhour.ToString]);

An example of the code would be: 该代码的示例为:

if (Xmonth==1&&Xhour==1){m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv.csv_01_01);}
else if (Xmonth==1&&Xhour==2){m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv.csv_01_02);}  
else if (Xmonth==1&&Xhour==3){m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv.csv_01_03);}
// csv_month_hour in this case 01 is January.
else if (Xmonth==2&&Xhour==1){m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv.csv_02_01);}
// And so on, until December (12).   

Putting aside the invalid syntax/compiler error from your method calls in your code, I suspect you're building the string but can't get the leading 0 in front of digits 0-9. 从代码中的方法调用中排除无效的语法/编译器错误,我怀疑您正在构建字符串,但无法在数字0-9前面获得前导0 So when Xmonth and Xhour are less than 10, your string is being built as "csv_1_1" instead of your intended "csv_01_01" . 因此,当XmonthXhour小于10时,您的字符串将构建为"csv_1_1"而不是预期的"csv_01_01"

To instruct the ToString method to include a leading zero when needed, you can supply a custom numeric format string "00" (see the first entry in the link for "Zero placeholder"). 要指示ToString方法在需要时包括前导零,可以提供自定义数字格式字符串 "00" (请参见链接中的“零占位符”的第一个条目)。

Try using Xmonth.ToString("00") and Xhour.ToString("00") : 尝试使用Xmonth.ToString("00")Xhour.ToString("00")

Monitor.malyt.m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv["csv_" + 
    Xmonth.ToString("00") + "_" + 

This will output the values of Xmonth and Xhour with a single leading zero where needed. 这将在需要时输出XmonthXhour的值,并带有一个前导零。

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