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[英]Create a list from the last elements in vectors in a list

Suppose I have a list of vectors (none of them is empty; they may be of various lengths). 假设我有一个向量list (它们都不为空;它们的长度可能不同)。

How can I generate a list of elements from the ends (say) of the vectors? 如何从向量的两端(例如)生成元素列表?

For example, if my list contains 3 elements, 1:10 , 2:9 and c(3,5) , then the output list should be the list containing 10 , 9 and 5 . 例如,如果我的列表中包含3个元素, 1:102:9c(3,5)则输出列表应该包含列表1095

In the simpler case, where all vectors are of the same length (5, say), I tried to first make the list a data.frame using as.data.frame . 在更简单的情况下,所有向量的长度都相同(例如5),我尝试首先使用as.data.frame将列表data.frame The problem is that my list is huge (about 1 million vectors), and as.data.frame takes ages. 问题是我的列表很大 (大约一百万个向量),并且as.data.frame需要很as.data.frame I thought about optimization, perhaps using this answer , but anyway I think that it results a wrong data structure - instead of having 5 columns with 1 million values each, it creates a data.frame with a million columns. 我考虑过优化,也许使用了这个答案 ,但是无论如何,我认为它会导致错误的数据结构-而不是创建5个列,每个列具有一百万个值,而是创建一个具有一百万列的data.frame

So I should probably look somewhere else. 所以我可能应该去别的地方看看。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?


 sapply(x, function(elem) elem[length(elem)])

Use tail : 使用tail

> sapply(list(1:10,2:9,c(3,5)),tail,1)
[1] 10  9  5

And @Bach is correct about speed. @Bach关于速度是正确的。 While tail is terse, it is slow: 虽然tail很简洁,但速度很慢:

a <- list()
for(i in 1:1e3)
    a[[i]] <- sample(1:100, sample(1:100), TRUE)

microbenchmark(sapply(a,tail,1), sapply(a, function(elem) elem[length(elem)]))
# Unit: milliseconds
#                                          expr       min        lq    median        uq       max neval
#                            sapply(a, tail, 1) 22.998933 24.790584 26.103241 27.797130 79.489209   100
#  sapply(a, function(elem) elem[length(elem)])  1.546477  1.787224  1.951572  2.137856  6.106236   100

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