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[英]Pixi.js stage parent

I have a graph object in javascript. 我在javascript中有一个图对象。 Inside this I have a pixi js stage as a private member. 在此内部,我有一个pixi js阶段作为私有成员。 In the stage I have a PIXI.Graphics() object where I will hold two vertical lines. 在该阶段中,我有一个PIXI.Graphics()对象,其中将保留两条垂直线。 I have methods in the graph object that manipulate these based on the clicks. 我在graph对象中有一些方法,可以根据点击操作这些方法。

The problem is: I set the stage to be interactive and then I set the stage.mousedown event to be a function, however in this function, my this is the stage and not my Graph object. 问题是:我定的阶段是互动的,然后我设置stage.mousedown事件是一个函数,但是在此功能,我this是舞台,而不是我的图形对象。 I tried to access the parent but it is null. 我尝试访问父级,但它为null。 I tried to set the parent before creating the mousdown action by doing something like: 在尝试执行mousdown操作之前,我尝试通过以下方式设置父项:

this.stage.parent = this;
this.stage.mousedown = function(mouseData) {...}

but then the mousedown action never gets hit. 但随后mousedown操作永远不会被击中。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

You'll need to make a variable in the same scope the mousedown function is created in. JS functions automatically know about variables in their parent scope. 您需要在创建了mousedown函数的范围内创建一个变量。JS函数会自动知道其父范围内的变量。 That could be a reference to the parent object scope or a function you want to call. 这可能是对父对象作用域或您要调用的函数的引用。

function PixiObject() {

  var stage, 

  this.init = function() {
    stage = new PIXI.Stage(0x000000, true);
    renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(480, 320, null, false);

    var onStageDownA = function() {
      console.log('onStageDownA called');
    this.onStageDownB = function() {
      console.log('onStageDownB called');
    var self = this;
    stage.mousedown = stage.touchstart = function() {
      console.log(this); // stage
      console.log(self); // pixi object
      onStageDownA(); // calls function
      self.onStageDownB(); // calls function


  function update() {

window.onload = function() {
    var p = new PixiObject();

Here's a working example: 这是一个工作示例:

http://codepen.io/ianmcgregor/pen/eFEJv http://codepen.io/ianmcgregor/pen/eFEJv

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