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模板中的C ++函数指针

[英]C++ function pointer in template

I've been assigned the following template: 我被分配了以下模板:

#include <map>

template <typename T> 
class Catalog { 
    struct Item { 
    std::map<int, Item*> items;
    Catalog(const Catalog&); 
    bool IsEmpty(void) const;
    int Size() const; 
    void Add(T*); 
    T* Remove(T*); 
    T* Find(T*); 
    typedef void (T::*pFunc) (const T&); 
    void Inspection(pFunc) const; 

Next, there is an abstract Product class and three subclasses: 接下来,是一个抽象类产品和三个子类:

class Product {
    unsigned int _id;
    string _name;
    Product(const int& id, const string& name) : _id(id), _name(name) {};
    virtual void Action(const Product& p) = 0;
    virtual int hashCode() {
        return _id*100;
    unsigned int getId(void) const {return _id;};
    string getName(void) const {return _name;};    

class ProductA : public Product {
    ProductA(const int& id, const string& name) : Product(id, name) {};
    virtual void Action(const Product& p) {
        cout << "ahoj" << endl;

Finally, class ProductsCatalog that handles a Catalog instance: 最后,类ProductsCatalog一个处理一个目录实例:

class ProductsCatalog {
    Catalog<Product> catalog;
    void CatalogInspection(void) const {

What I have trouble with is the Inspection method: 我遇到的麻烦是检查方法:

template <typename T> void Catalog<T>::Inspection(pFunc p) const {  
    for (std::map<int, Item*>::const_iterator it=items.begin(); it!=items.end(); ++it)  {

I am getting the following error: 我收到以下错误:

error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments

I've tried everything I could think of, without success. 我尝试了所有我能想到的,但没有成功。 The following works as intended, but is obviously not abstract enough: 如预期,但显然是不够的抽象了以下工作:


Did you try (it->second->Product->*p)(*(it->second->Product)); 您是否尝试过(it->second->Product->*p)(*(it->second->Product)); for calling the method? 用于调用方法? The thread Calling C++ class methods via a function pointer seems to be related. 通过函数指针调用C ++类方法的线程似乎是相关的。

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