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[英]How to open HDFS output file using gedit?

I have installed and executed an mapreduce program successfully in my system(Ubuntu 14.04). 我已经在系统中成功安装并执行了mapreduce程序(Ubuntu 14.04)。

I can see the output file as, 我可以看到输出文件为

hadoopuser@arul-PC:/usr/local/hadoop$ bin/hadoop dfs -ls /user/hadoopuser/MapReduceSample-output
Found 3 items
-rw-r--r--   1 hadoopuser supergroup          0 2014-07-09 16:10 /user/hadoopuser/MapReduceSample-output/_SUCCESS
drwxr-xr-x   - hadoopuser supergroup          0 2014-07-09 16:10 /user/hadoopuser/MapReduceSample-output/_logs
-rw-r--r--   1 hadoopuser supergroup     880838 2014-07-09 16:10 /user/hadoopuser/MapReduceSample-output/part-00000

And I can open it on terminal using following command, 我可以使用以下命令在终端上打开它,

hadoopuser@arul-PC:/usr/local/hadoop$ bin/hadoop dfs -cat /user/hadoopuser/MapReduceSample-output/part-00000

I can see the output file on terminal, but I can't see the full result because my output has large amount of lines. 我可以在终端上看到输出文件,但是由于我的输出有很多行,所以看不到完整的结果。

So I want to open it on gedit or nano . 所以我想在geditnano上打开它。

Need Solution. 需要解决方案。


hadoopuser@arul-PC:/usr/local/hadoop$ bin/hadoop dfs -getmerge /user/hadoopuser/MapReduceSample-output/part-00000 /home/arul/MROutput

hadoop dfs -getmerge /path/to/HDFS /path/to/save

instead of looking for plugin. 而不是寻找插件。 You can add jar files from $HADOOP_INSTALL/bin in eclipse and compiler issues must be gone. 您可以在Eclipse中从$ HADOOP_INSTALL / bin添加jar文件,并且必须解决编译器问题。

You can't access HDFS file from local machine(system user), so that you can't open HDFS file using gedit . 您无法从本地计算机(系统用户)访问HDFS文件,因此无法使用gedit打开HDFS文件。

To open in gedit you have to copy to local machine. 要在gedit打开,您必须复制到本地计算机。

To do that, open terminal( Ctrl + Alt + T ) and use copyToLocal a Hadoop Shell Command to copy the output file into local machine. 为此,请打开终端( Ctrl + Alt + T ),然后使用Hadoop Shell命令 copyToLocal将输出文件复制到本地计算机中。

Do the following, 请执行下列操作,

hadoopuser@arul-PC:/usr/local/hadoop$ sudo bin/hadoop dfs -copyToLocal /user/hadoopuser/MapReduceSample-output/part-00000 /home/arul/Downloads/

Now you can open the output file using gedit as follows, 现在,您可以使用gedit打开输出文件,如下所示:

$ sudo gedit /home/arul/Downloads/part-00000

Note : 注意 :

  1. My HDFS username is hadoopuser . 我的HDFS用户名是hadoopuser
  2. You can move a file from HDFS to local machine. 您可以将文件从HDFS移动到本地计算机。 The Hadoop Shell Command fs -mv allow to move different HDFS location. Hadoop Shell命令 fs -mv允许移动不同的HDFS位置。
  3. For more Hadoop Shell Commands(click here) . 有关更多Hadoop Shell命令(请单击此处)

Update ( An another option to do the same from Y-Prithvi 's post ) 更新Y-Prithvi的帖子执行此操作的另一个选项

you can also use getmerge to copy HDFS file to local system. 您还可以使用getmerge将HDFS文件复制到本地系统。

hadoopuser@arul-PC:/usr/local/hadoop$ bin/hadoop dfs -getmerge /user/hadoopuser/MapReduceSample-output/part-00000 /home/arul/MROutput

hadoop dfs -getmerge /path/to/HDFS /path/to/save

Eclipse Setup for Hadoop Development 用于Hadoop开发的Eclipse设置

this should help 应该有所帮助

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