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[英]Converting SVG path data into a usable image

I am new to Raphael JS. 我是Raphael JS的新手。 I am trying to take the SVG data from an image I like and make it usable. 我正在尝试从我喜欢的图像中获取SVG数据并使其可用。 However, the documentation is not intuitive at all. 但是,文档根本不直观。

I have tried various ways to resize the paper to the image and vice-verse with no success. 我尝试了各种方法将纸张调整为图像大小,反之则没有成功。 Can someone show me how to make this image: 有人可以告诉我如何制作此图片:

  • Not be upside down when it renders 渲染时不要倒置
  • Be a reasonable size 尺寸合理

I took out all my horrible attempts... 我全力以赴。

    <div id="paper"></div>

    function DrawPerson(raphael) {
                var paper = raphael('paper');    
                var path = "M 677 5943 c 8 -6 -21 -25 -86 -59 l -97 -51 l 14 -59 c 7 -32 11 -77 7 -99 c -3 -22 -7 -60 -9 -85 c -4 -53 -19 -118 -41 -179 c -20 -58 -20 -58 20 -65 c 43 -8 44 -11 38 -66 c -4 -38 -11 -49 -35 -63 c -23 -13 -29 -23 -27 -45 c 2 -15 -4 -38 -14 -52 c -9 -13 -17 -33 -17 -43 c 0 -10 -6 -28 -14 -40 c -7 -12 -21 -62 -31 -112 c -9 -49 -25 -110 -35 -135 c -35 -89 -120 -466 -120 -534 c 0 -18 -10 -40 -25 -56 c -40 -42 -57 -163 -40 -277 c 8 -56 54 -110 100 -119 c 64 -12 68 -27 35 -131 c -37 -119 -50 -214 -47 -338 c 3 -95 16 -145 38 -145 c 6 0 8 -26 3 -72 c -3 -40 -1 -118 6 -173 c 6 -55 15 -165 20 -245 c 9 -174 30 -296 77 -450 c 20 -63 46 -158 59 -210 c 12 -52 33 -117 44 -144 c 23 -50 23 -75 4 -236 c -5 -47 -2 -65 22 -120 c 25 -58 29 -82 37 -235 c 12 -234 12 -324 -2 -435 c -7 -52 -16 -133 -20 -180 c -9 -84 -20 -125 -49 -187 c -13 -27 -14 -41 -4 -94 c 10 -53 9 -66 -3 -79 c -9 -10 -14 -34 -13 -60 c 1 -36 -3 -47 -26 -67 c -15 -12 -40 -23 -55 -23 c -15 0 -72 -15 -127 -34 c -54 -19 -129 -38 -166 -41 c -87 -9 -103 -21 -94 -69 l 7 -36 l 428 1 l 428 1 l 17 31 c 9 18 28 48 42 67 c 16 22 24 46 23 65 c -1 16 4 43 10 60 c 7 16 17 52 22 80 c 6 27 15 59 20 71 c 10 20 5 46 -31 158 c -8 24 -6 34 8 49 c 24 27 19 162 -13 317 c -13 66 -27 166 -31 223 c -6 94 -5 108 16 153 c 36 80 40 101 26 137 c -8 17 -19 69 -25 115 c -7 45 -21 108 -31 140 c -22 65 -25 93 -10 108 c 7 7 7 21 -1 43 c -9 25 -9 42 0 71 c 17 57 13 184 -10 290 c -35 166 -37 184 -28 240 c 4 30 16 114 25 185 c 9 72 23 142 30 157 c 8 15 14 37 14 50 c 0 13 14 59 32 103 c 42 106 54 240 48 555 c -1 47 5 117 14 157 c 16 73 99 296 155 415 c 17 37 31 74 31 83 c 0 8 9 48 20 87 c 11 40 20 97 20 127 c 0 47 -31 214 -60 321 c -5 19 -12 59 -16 88 c -4 33 -16 64 -29 80 c -12 15 -30 43 -40 62 c -10 19 -30 51 -45 70 c -85 109 -95 222 -26 291 c 42 42 102 124 121 166 c 36 78 0 269 -62 331 c -9 9 -12 25 -9 41 c 5 22 5 23 -5 8 c -10 -17 -12 -16 -27 12 c -30 54 -213 152 -231 123 c -6 -9 -79 -2 -141 13 c -15 4 -20 3 -13 -2 Z m -67 -1158 c -5 -11 -19 -46 -30 -77 c -14 -38 -38 -74 -72 -109 l -51 -52 l 6 59 c 7 71 41 140 96 197 c 23 23 41 46 42 52 c 0 5 5 -3 10 -20 c 6 -19 5 -37 -1 -50 Z";
                var person = paper.path(path);

                    'fill': '#000000'

return person;

You can transform your path to have it display as you like. 您可以转换路径以使其随心所欲显示。 Your source SVG has some big path coördinates, so the transformation needs to be big as well. 您的源SVG有一些大的路径协调,因此转换也需要很大。 From a working JS Bin : 从正在工作的JS Bin中

function DrawPerson(raphael) {
  var paper = raphael('paper', 0, 0, 1000, 1000); 
  var path = ""; # Removed

  var person = paper.path(path);
      'fill': '#000000'

  return person;

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