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[英]Change Woocommerce Product Title

If 如果

test.com/shop , title is Products | test.com/shop,标题为Products | ABC ABC

so 所以

test.com/shop/i_am_a_product , title is I am a product | test.com/shop/i_am_a_product,标题是我是产品| ABC ABC

Now , i want change this Title to I am a product | 现在,我想将此标题更改为“ 我是产品”。 ABCDEF . ABCDEF

How to do ? 怎么做 ? just add something to title ( Keep index title to ABC ). 只需在标题中添加一些内容即可(将索引标题保留在ABC中)。

Sorry my english , can anyone help me ? 对不起,我的英语,有人可以帮我吗?

From your question I'm assuming that you want to modify the page title in the single product's page. 根据您的问题,我假设您要修改单个产品页面中的页面标题。 To modify the page title open your theme's header.php file. 要修改页面标题,请打开主题的header.php文件。

I'm assuming the current <title></title> tag is like following- 我假设当前的<title></title>标签类似于以下内容-

    <?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?>
    <?php bloginfo('name')?>

Woocommerce provides a function is_product() to check that if the current page is the single product page. Woocommerce提供了一个is_product()函数来检查当前页面是否为单个产品页面。 Use it as following- 如下使用它-

    <?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?>
        if( is_product() ){
            // use your own code here, like ABCDEF
            // this part will only show up in a single product page
            bloginfo('name'); // this is the name of your website.
            // use your code to display title in all other pages.

Hope this might be helpful. 希望这会有所帮助。

Thanks. 谢谢。

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