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Woocommerce 不显示产品标题

[英]Woocommerce Not Showing Product Title

Can anyone help me figure out whats going on with the title of single product page not showing?谁能帮我弄清楚单个产品页面的标​​题没有显示是怎么回事?

I know its a theme issue, because I tried with another theme and it was showing the title normally.我知道这是一个主题问题,因为我尝试使用另一个主题并且它正常显示标题。

I tried add some code into functions.php but it didnt work.我尝试在函数中添加一些代码。php 但它没有用。

The site I need help with is: https://ciadaborracha.com/produtos/plasticos/pvc-cortinas/cortina-pvc-verde/我需要帮助的网站是: https://ciadaborracha.com/produtos/plasticos/pvc-cortinas/cortina-pvc-verde/

Maybe someone with more knowledge than me can inspect and see if its missing something.也许比我有更多知识的人可以检查一下它是否遗漏了什么。

Thank you in advance先感谢您


We have checked your website the title is not showing up because of the highlighted CSS on the screenshot.我们检查了您的网站,因为屏幕截图上突出显示了 CSS,因此标题未显示。

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