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[英]Return path from a node jstree

I'm trying to return the paths of selected nodes in jstree. 我正在尝试返回jstree中所选节点的路径。 I need the whole path of the nodes. 我需要节点的整个路径。

I have a php file that generate the json, like this: 我有一个生成json的php文件,如下所示:

header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8");
echo json_encode(dir_to_jstree_array("/my_path"));

function dir_to_jstree_array($dir, $order = "a", $ext = array()) {      
   if(empty($ext)) {
      $ext = array ("jpg", "gif", "jpeg", "png", "doc", "xls", "pdf", "tif", "ico", "xcf", "gif87", "scr" );

  $listDir = array(
            'text' => basename($dir),
            'icon' => 'jstree-folder',
            'children' => array()

  $files = array();
  $dirs = array();

  if($handler = opendir($dir)) {
     while (($sub = readdir($handler)) !== FALSE) {
        if ($sub != "." && $sub != "..") { 
           if(is_file($dir."/".$sub)) {
              $extension = trim(pathinfo($dir."/".$sub, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
              $files []= $sub;
           elseif (is_dir($dir."/".$sub)) {
              $dirs []= $dir."/".$sub;
     if($order === "a") {
     else {

     foreach($dirs as $d) {
        $listDir['icon'] = 'jstree-file';
        $listDir['children'][]= dir_to_jstree_array($d);

     if($order === "a") {
     else {

     foreach($files as $file) {
        $listDir['icon'] = 'jstree-file';
        $listDir['children'][]= $file;

  return $listDir;

And my php function that load javascript is: 而我加载javascript的php函数是:

function load_js() {
  echo ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/jstree/dist/themes/default/style.min.css" />
         <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jstree/dist/jstree.min.js"></script>

     <script type="text/javascript">

       function on_load_padrao() {
                \'core\' : {                  
                    \'data\' : {
                        \'type\' : "POST",
                        \'url\' : \'mypath/dir2json.php\',
                        \'data\' : function (node) {
                            return { \'id\' : node["id"]};
                     \'dataType\' : \'json\'
                \'plugins\' : ["checkbox" ]
           .on("changed.jstree", function (e, data) {

       </script> ';

I tried to get the path with the function that I saw on documentation: get_path() , but this is not working. 我尝试使用我在文档中看到的函数获取路径: get_path() ,但这不起作用。 When I debug this, I got the following error: 当我调试这个时,我收到以下错误:

ReferenceError: get_path is not defined ReferenceError:未定义get_path

What am I missing? 我错过了什么?

UPDATE @oerl said me that I was using the function wrong, so this is the right way: 更新 @oerl告诉我,我正在使用错误的函数,所以这是正确的方法:

$(\'#jstree_demo_div\').jstree(true).get_path(data.node, "/")

var selectedNodes = $(\'#jstree_demo_div\').jstree(true).get_selected();

for(var node in selectedNodes) {
   var path = $(\'#jstree_demo_div\').jstree(true).get_path(data.node,"/");

I hope this can help someone, like helped me! 我希望这可以帮助别人,就像帮助我一样!

You are using the function wrong. 您正在使用该功能错误。 You have to use it like this: 你必须像这样使用它:


Also to get the selected nodes you have to use: 还要获取您必须使用的选定节点:

var selectedNodes = $(\'#jstree_demo_div\').jstree(true).get_selected();

Finally to answer your question iterate through your selectedNodes and call get_path on each node: 最后回答你的问题迭代你的selectedNodes并在每个节点上调用get_path:

 for(var node in selectedNodes) {
   var path = $(\'#jstree_demo_div\').jstree(true).get_path(node,"/");

Hope that helps. 希望有所帮助。

Here is a tested, working example of what I came up with using the information from the posts and comments thus far as there does not seem to be a complete solution specified in a post. 这是一个经过测试的工作示例,我使用帖子和评论中的信息,因为似乎没有在帖子中指定完整的解决方案。 I'm using jQuery v1.11.0 for the jsTree under the libs folder where jsTree is expecting it to be. 我正在jsTree期望它的libs文件夹下使用jQuery v1.11.0作为jsTree。 The code syntax has been checked by pyCharm. pyCharm检查了代码语法。

 var file_data = []; // object that represents the DIV for the jsTree var objTreeView = $("#div_treeview"); // returns a list of <li> ID's that have been sected by the user var selectedNodes = objTreeView.jstree(true).get_selected(); // This is the best way to loop object in javascript for (var i = 0; i < selectedNodes.length; i++) { // get the actual node object from the <li> ID var full_node = objTreeView.jstree(true).get_node(selectedNodes[i]); // Get the full path of the selected node and put it into an array file_data[i] = objTreeView.jstree(true).get_path(full_node, "/"); } // Convert the array to a JSON string so that we can pass the data back to the server // once the user submits the form data alert(JSON.stringify(file_data)); 

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