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[英]Return path from root to node in a binary tree

I'm trying to accomplish something that seems simple but having trouble implementing it. 我正在尝试完成看似简单但难以实现的事情。 Given a binary tree and a node, return the path. 给定一棵二叉树和一个节点,返回路径。 I attempted it below but I am really stuck. 我在下面尝试过,但是我真的被卡住了。 I am also not entirely sure how to exit out of the recursive function once I find the target node. 我也不太确定在找到目标节点后如何退出递归函数。

 const tree = { val: 3, left: { val: 5, left: { val: 6, left: null, right: null }, right: { val: 2, left: null, right: null } }, right: { val: 1, left: null, right: null } }; const findPathFromRoot = (currentNode, targetNode, path) => { path + currentNode.val; if (currentNode === targetNode) { return path + targetNode.val; } findPathFromRoot(currentNode.left, targetNode, path); findPathFromRoot(currentNode.right, targetNode, path); } const target = tree.left.right; console.log(findPathFromRoot(tree, target, '')); // should return "352" 

const findPathFromRoot = (root, target, path = "") => {
  if (root === null) {
    return null;
  path = path + root.val;
  if (root === target) {
    return path;

  const left = findPathFromRoot(root.left, target, path);
  const right = findPathFromRoot(root.right, target, path);

  return left || right;

Why does this work? 为什么这样做?

Return statement always returns to the caller, in your case you are returning only when you find the target is found which in turn returns back to one of findPathFromRoot(currentNode.left, ...) or findPathFromRoot(currentNode.right, ...). Return语句始终返回到调用方,在您的情况下,仅当找到目标时才返回,而目标又返回到findPathFromRoot(currentNode.left,...)或findPathFromRoot(currentNode.right,... )。 But these don't return themselves. 但是这些不会自我回报。 So the fix to your code is to return if you find the target either in your left or the right subtree. 因此,如果您在左侧或右侧子树中找到目标,则代码的修复方法是返回。

Like mentioned in comments, if your tree was sorted this could be made faster. 就像评论中提到的那样,如果对树进行排序,则可以使其更快。

As is, every node needs to be checked.. 照原样,每个节点都需要检查。

You was nearly there with what you attempted, first you need to check if you have a left or right node, then I check the left node, if this finds the node down this tree is will return, if it does not it will then try the right node. 您的尝试几乎在那儿,首先您需要检查您是否有左节点或右节点,然后检查左节点,如果找到该树下方的节点将返回,如果没有,则尝试正确的节点。 It does this recursively so that every possible node is visited. 它递归地执行此操作,以便访问每个可能的节点。

Below is a working example.. 下面是一个工作示例。

 const tree = { val: 3, left: { val: 5, left: { val: 6, left: null, right: null }, right: { val: 2, left: null, right: null } }, right: { val: 1, left: null, right: null } }; const findPathFromRoot = (currentNode, targetNode, path) => { path += currentNode.val; if (currentNode === targetNode) { return path; } let ret = null; if (currentNode.left) ret = findPathFromRoot(currentNode.left, targetNode, path); if (currentNode.right && !ret) ret = findPathFromRoot(currentNode.right, targetNode, path); return ret; } const target = tree.left.right; console.log(findPathFromRoot(tree, target, '')); // should return "352" 

You need to put in logic to decide whether to travel left or right from the current node's value and call your method with with the currentNode.left or currentNode.right depending on that logic. 您需要放入逻辑来确定是从当前节点的值向左还是向右移动,并根据该逻辑用currentNode.left或currentNode.right调用您的方法。 Then return either when you get a null value (that means the target doesn't exist in the tree) or return when the currentNode.value === target. 然后,当您获得空值(这意味着目标在树中不存在)时返回,或者在currentNode.value ===目标时返回。

There's also a problem with your tree though, all values to the left of your root need to be larger than the root's value, and all values on the right of the root need to be smaller, but it looks like the 2 is on the left of the root (who's value is 3). 但是,树也有问题,根的左侧的所有值都必须大于根的值,并且根的右侧的所有值都必须较小,但是看起来左边的2根的值(其值为3)。

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