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如何在我的机器上设置IBM Work Light Server

[英]How to set up IBM work light server on my machine

Hello Folks, 大家好,

We are recently working on IBM worklight and what we want to try is: 我们最近正在研究IBM Worklight,我们想要尝试的是:

We have two machine, one we want to set as server and other one is for my developer to build the app. 我们有两台机器,一台要设置为服务器,另一台是供我的开发人员构建应用程序的。

Currently we have installed Apache Tomcat server on the machine which we want to make as server. 当前,我们已经在要作为服务器的机器上安装了Apache Tomcat服务器。 We even have IBM Worklight installed on it. 我们甚至已经安装了IBM Worklight。 Now What I want to achieve is to deploy the app from other machine to this server. 现在,我要实现的是将应用程序从其他计算机部署到此服务器。 But I am not able to set up the things properly. 但是我无法正确设置这些东西。

Things done so far: 到目前为止完成的工作:

  • Installed Apache Tomcat server software on a machine (server) 在机器(服务器)上安装了Apache Tomcat服务器软件
  • Installed IBM Installation Manager 已安装的IBM Installation Manager

I am not getting how will I set up the Worklight Server on this machine. 我没有得到如何在这台机器上设置Worklight Server的信息。 Can anyone provide some information? 谁能提供一些信息?

You cannot directly deploy from Worklight Studio (the Eclipse plug-in) to a remote Worklight Server. 您不能直接从Worklight Studio(Eclipse插件)部署到远程Worklight Server。

The steps you need to take are: 您需要采取的步骤是:

  1. Setup your application for a remote server, via the Build Settings and Deploy Target window 通过“ 构建设置和部署目标”窗口为远程服务器设置应用程序
  2. Build the app 编译应用
  3. Take the .wlapp/.adapter file and deploy it to the remote Worklight Server via it's Worklight Console 提取.wlapp / .adapter文件,并通过其Worklight控制台将其部署到远程Worklight Server。

If you have done any server-related changes (authenticationConfig.xml, Java code, ...) you will need to first deploy the project's .war file to the application server that hosts the remote Worklight Server, and then the .wlapp. 如果完成了与服务器相关的任何更改(authenticationConfig.xml,Java代码等),则需要首先将项目的.war文件部署到托管远程Worklight Server的应用程序服务器,然后再部署.wlapp。

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