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[英]Child class with method of covariant return type, workaround?

I'm trying to neatly organize my code and came across and oddity as primarily Java-focused programmer. 我试图整洁地组织我的代码,并且遇到了很多以Java为主的程序员。 Here's the simplified version: 这是简化版:

class ReturnParent { ... }
class ReturnChild : ReturnParent { ... }

class Parent
    abstract ReturnParent SomeMethod();    

class Child : Parent
    // Note the return type
    override ReturnChild SomeMethod() {}

Now I've looked up this issue and I know this doesn't work in C# because covariance isn't supported in this way. 现在,我查找了此问题,并且我知道这在C#中不起作用,因为不支持以这种方式进行协方差。 My question is, is there a workaround to this issue? 我的问题是,是否有解决此问题的方法?

The method can be a parameter instead; 该方法可以改为参数。 the classes, including the return classes, MUST be classes, they cannot be interfaces; 这些类(包括返回类)必须是类,它们不能是接口; they can implement interfaces though, if that helps. 他们可以实现接口,如果有帮助的话。

Also, the main class must be castable, which was an issue when I tried generics: 另外,主类必须是可转换的,这在我尝试泛型时是一个问题:

    Parent p = new Child(); // This works
    Child c = p as Child; // This doesn't work with generics

You can let the subclasses decide the return type of SomeMethod . 您可以让子类确定SomeMethod的返回类型。

abstract class Parent<TReturn> where TReturn : ReturnParent
    public abstract TReturn SomeMethod();    

class Child : Parent<ReturnChild>
    public override ReturnChild SomeMethod(){}

If you make Parent<T> implement the following covariant interface, then you could cast Child to IParent<ReturnParent> . 如果使Parent<T>实现以下协变接口,则可以将Child IParent<ReturnParent>IParent<ReturnParent>

interface IParent<out T>
    T SomeMethod(); 

If you want to make it castable specifically to Parent<ReturnParent> , then no, that can't be done, and you may need a redesign. 如果要使其特定Parent<ReturnParent>Parent<ReturnParent> ,则不能,那是不可能的,您可能需要重新设计。

This works with Linqpad 与Linqpad一起使用

abstract class Parent<T>
    public abstract T SomeMethod();    

class Child : Parent<ReturnChild>
    // Note the return type
    public override ReturnChild SomeMethod()
       return new ReturnChild();

void Main()
    var p = new Child(); // This works
    Child c = p as Child; // This doesn't work with generics

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