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[英]how to link against wxWidgets?

So i downloaded the newest version of wxPack, coming with version 3.0.0 of wxWidgets, and tried linking against it in a simple C++ application build in/with Code::Blocks. 因此,我下载了wxPacks的3.0.0版本附带的最新版本的wxPack,并尝试在使用Code :: Blocks构建的简单C ++应用程序中将其链接。 No matter what libaries i link against or in what order they are, i ALWAYS get undefined symbol errors. 无论我链接的是什么库,或者它们以什么顺序排列,我总是会得到未定义的符号错误。 the only library files of wxWidgets i need are libwxbase30u and libwxmsw30u_core , as i only show a wxMessageBox for testing issues. 我需要的wxWidgets的唯一库文件是libwxbase30ulibwxmsw30u_core ,因为我只显示了一个用于测试问题的wxMessageBox。 Some guy at this question here provided me with a possible solution, but it didnt work. 有人在这个问题上为我提供了一个可能的解决方案,但是没有用。 i tried linking against several windows libaries already, because when linking in specific orders the undefined symbols were all windows related ( Link to my older question ), like iid_ishelllink . 我已经尝试过针对多个Windows库进行链接,因为按特定顺序进行链接时,未定义的符号与所有Windows相关(请链接到我的旧问题 ),例如iid_ishelllink the closest i got to a solution was by linking against dozens of windows libraries first and then against libwxbase30u and then libwxmsw30u_core . 我最接近解决方案的方法是先链接到数十个Windows库,然后链接到libwxbase30u ,再libwxmsw30u_core though i dont get why the error from shell32 was still there, as i linked against it beforehand. 尽管我不明白为什么shell32的错误仍然存​​在,因为我事先对此进行了链接。 Btw, the compiler im using is the 32bit version of the TDM-GCC-Compiler on Windows 8.1 64bit. 顺便说一句,我使用的编译器是Windows 8.1 64bit上的TDM-GCC-Compiler的32bit版本。 Any more info needed is probably in my older question, which was left unanswered. 需要更多信息可能是在我的旧问题中,这个问题没有得到解答。 Now, i only want to know EVERY library i need to link against, and in what order, in order to get my program to work. 现在,我只想知道我需要链接的每个库,以什么顺序链接,以使我的程序正常工作。 with a freshly installed/compiled version of wxWidgets. 带有全新安装/编译的wxWidgets版本。

A beginner's quick reference for setting up wxWidgets with Code::Blocks in Windows 在Windows中使用Code :: Blocks设置wxWidgets的初学者快速参考

http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=WxWindowsQuickRef http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=WxWindowsQuickRef

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