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[英]How to extend the Weblogic domain template?

I want to develop the Weblogic custom domain template for my application, the template should include the standalone WLS + JRF template and integrate with my application configuration. 我想为我的应用程序开发Weblogic定制域模板,该模板应包括独立的WLS + JRF模板,并与我的应用程序配置集成。

As we know, standalone WLS + JRF template are shipped in Weblogic installation folder, the JRF is depended upon lots of other templates, Can I create my own one only to extend them? 众所周知,WebLogic安装文件夹中提供了独立的WLS + JRF模板,JRF依赖于许多其他模板,我是否可以创建自己的模板来扩展它们? or I have to create the one which includes all of them, that is, the template jar need includes all files copying from WLS + JRF templates and also plus my configuration, I tried it was unable to do with Weblogic domain template builder wizard. 或我必须创建一个包含所有文件的文件,也就是说,模板jar需要包含从WLS + JRF模板复制的所有文件,以及我的配置,我尝试使用Weblogic域模板构建器向导无法完成。 it seems I need firstly create workable domain then according it to build my domain template. 看来我首先需要创建可行的域,然后根据其来构建域模板。

Please guide me. 请指导我。

weblogic 12c默认情况下没有JRF模板,您还需要安装ADR(应用程序开发运行时)来扩展weblogic的库,下载链接: http : //www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/adf/ downloads / index.html

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